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I was in the theater for twenty minutes before mani came in with the boys

"Ok Kia it's not funny anymore your mom needs help in the kitchen"

And that's where shes wrong when mom is in the kitchen she never ask for help

So I didn't move as my luck would have it I just had to trip trying to get out

But I didn't fall I was pulled into a muscular chest

And I know who it was

"You know you don't have luck"

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him

But before could say anything he was kissing me and I kissed back

"What the he'll did I say about touching my daughter"

Oh shit mom he was definitely getting kicked out


"I don't want to here it"

"Mom stop I kissed him"

"You did what look I know your 17 but still I don't want you to get hurt again sweetie so please stop this you know how your last relationship ended"

And with that she left and I was going to cry I was not letting him we me cry so i ran to my room i slammed the door and slide down it

She knew I didn't like talking about my previous relationship o can't believe she would do this to me

"Kia let me in please"

"It's no use Anthony she would never let anyone in"

I got of the ground and headed for my bed it's really big like three persons could sleep on it and don't complain for space big

I jumped on it letting all the pillows consume me

My last relationship didn't end well it's the real reason why u left my old school

Eric my ex boyfriend was always asking me for sex and I didn't want to i promised my grandmother I'll keep my virginity until I left high school

But he wouldn't take no for an answer we went to a halloween party together and he got so drunk he tried to rape me

But before he could of finish what he started he fell asleep and I was happy but unfortunately his best friend was video tapping

On the video it looked like I willingly gave it to him it was the talk of the school for months

The innocent rich girl couldn't keep her old grandmother's promise she just had to give in the the sex cravings

I was turn apart my mom didn't believe me nor my dad to them I'm a disgrace

To everyone it looks like I slept with him for my family's attention and he dumped me after that

I stayed in my room for months not even going school I just couldn't face them

I begged my parents to let me change schools and they did

I was 15 when it happened last year they stop shouting me out and we were a happy family again well so I thought

I had finally gotten over what happens and now the band aid was ripped off with out warning and by my own mother

"Kia come on let me in please I have your favorite vanilla ice cream, the cookies and I got you chocolate"

Mani was trying her best to get my mind off it and she had finally gotten to me

I got of the bed and walked over to the door I opened it and there she was with Anthony and Justin nope there's no way I'm letting them in

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