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"Why did we let her go by herself I should of gone with her"

"Anthony stop this you think that this is going to help"

"Look I need to find her Justin Amy do you know where she went"

"And even if I did know I wouldn't tell you she knows what she's doing ok"

Mani was crying a corner while Justin tried to comfort her

Luke was doing the samething to liyah and I was trying to figure out were Kia went

I need to find her I need to help her I can't let her do this alone

I was looking through her computer and her laptop for anything that was helpful

I knew who the vipers were but no one knows were are in the city

They can be anywhere

It's been half an hour since she left and I'm getting restless I need to help her

The wind was cold and it was way to dark for anyone to see me enter the building

I was walking down the slippery steps when I started hearing voices

"What the fuck do you mean she didn't wire the money I gave you one fucking job one "

"But dad you didn't say for her to wire the money yet i thought we were just suppose to kidnap her father and scar her"

"Did I raise a bunch of assholes What eles is she good for if she doesn't give us the fucking money her mother stole it from us and now I want it back"

"But dad how can she stole what was here to begin with it was her father's money you tried to their it from her all she did was take it back"

"How dare you day such a thing I raised you and your taking her side"

"I'm not taking anyone's side I'm just saying the truth you killed her father to get that money you thought that if he was dead you'll be The head of the mafia because he only had a daughter guest you didn't thing he would have signed over everything to his grandchild didn't you and even if she didn't have any kids it would of gone to her husband or his maid asshole he always k we you were a double crossing bitch"

I was now close enough to see the three men that were talking

The older one slapped the one you just let out a whole lot of information

He pulled out his gin and aim it at his head

"I'll kill you for this I'm afraid if I let you go you'll yell her daughter everything"

"You guest right"

I pulled out my 23gen4 aimed at the older man's head I can't let him kill the guy I need the information

He droped on his knees as blood pours out it his head

And he fell face first on the ground

The other guy pulled out his gun to but before he could do anything I shot him as well

"Drop it" I walked up to the guy kicking his gun out of his hands

"Tell me were my father is"

"Oh and why should I help you?"

"Because I just saved your life that's why"

"Oh you thing because you juat killed the capo of this mafia you can tell me what to do"

I shot him in his leg "Bitch I'm not asking twice"

"Ok ok he's on the third floor secound room on the right and by the way you'll never get pass the rest of security"

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