Chapter Four

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"Mom, you can't just yank me out of school! It's my senior year!" Hannah 's voice was shrill as she protested to her parents after they had returned home. They had called Hannah  and Sawyer down to the dining room, where the four of them now sat around the table, discussing their plan for Hannah 's safety.

"Sheriff Carson said it was probably the best thing for now, Hannah , until they catch William," her mother said gently.

Hannah 's eyes widened.

"So he is headed this way," she breathed, her voice catching. She reached for Sawyer and he took her hand, using his thumb to trace circles on the back of her hand in an attempt to soothe her. Her father hesitated, lines of apprehension creasing his forehead.

"That's the assumption, sweetheart. The police aren't sure if he knows what state you ended up in, but according to witnesses that think they've spotted him, they think he's headed north."

Hannah  began to cry, her heart thudding in her chest. 

"Then why does it matter if you take me out of school? It wouldn't matter if I never set foot out of the house again. He's going to find me."

"Hannah ," Sawyer said firmly. "Nobody is going to let him hurt you." 

"Sawyer's right, honey. We're going to protect you," her mother added, although she was wringing her hands the way she did when she was nervous. The room fell silent. There was a knock at the door, and her mother jumped.

"Don't worry. I don't think he would knock first," Hannah  assured them wryly. Sawyer laughed nervously as they all followed her father to the door.

Sawyer stood protectively in front of Hannah  as he opened it. 

"Hello, Sheriff. Come on in," her father greeted, standing aside as Sheriff Blake Carson entered the room. The sheriff could intimidate anybody just by being in the same room. He was tall, over six feet, with broad shoulders and tattoos roping his burly arms. They led the sheriff into the living room and sat down. He leaned forward, his hands clasped in front of them, and began to speak.

"Hannah , we've been in touch with the police in South Carolina, and we've been made aware just how dangerous William is. It seems his violence continued even in prison. He was detained in solitary several times for causing fights. We are still unsure as to how he escaped, but I want you to know that we will be taking all proper precautions to ensure the safety of you and your family. But we have every reason to believe that he doesn't know where you are. There is a nationwide manhunt going on for him. We'll catch him, no matter where he's going."

"It doesn't matter," Hannah  said softly, her eyes dark with fear. "He'll find me. Before you find him, he's going to find me."

"Hannah , please," her mother begged.

"No!" Hannah  jumped to her feet and lifted her shirt so the sheriff could see her scars. "Don't you think I know what I'm talking about?"

Sheriff Carson stared in horror at Hannah 's back. It took him a moment to regain his composure.

"Hannah , until William is caught, we're going to keep surveillance on the house. There will be an unmarked car parked outside at all times."

"What about school? I don't want to be pulled out of school. That's cowardly." Hannah  slowly sat back down, sinking against Sawyer.

"We can arrange for an officer to take you to and from school, if you'd like."

Hannah  recoiled in disgust.

"Can't I drive myself? The entire school will know what's going on if I'm escorted by a cop. Do you think that's safe?"

The sheriff pondered her words for a moment. 

"We will use an unmarked car and they can follow you from a safe distance, if you'd prefer. We want you to continue living your life as normally as possible until he is arrested."

Hannah  glanced at her parents. 

               "It's a fair compromise," her mother offered. 

"It's that or you don't go," her father said sternly.

Hannah  looked at Sawyer, who smiled encouragingly. 

"All right," she sighed.

"All right," the sheriff echoed. "It's settled. Surveillance will start immediately. And an unmarked car will be close by in the morning when you leave for school."

Despite what everyone was doing to keep her alive, all the safety Hannah  had felt just hours before in her room with Sawyer completely dissipated. She didn't feel protected. She felt hollow, like she was already dead.

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