Chapter Six

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Hannah  and Sawyer leaned against the back of his car, parked near the abandoned turnpike tunnels of Pennsylvania. Dark clouds were rolling in, thunder rumbling in the distance. 

  "There's a storm coming," Sawyer said softly. "We should probably go soon."

Hannah  snuggled deeper into his arms, leaning into him, feeling his heart beat against her spine.

  "Just wait," she said.

  "Hannah ..."

"Please, Sawyer. Not yet."

Lightning flashed, the electricity in the air causing Hannah 's skin to tingle. The sky grew darker. 

"We need to get back in the car, baby. We don't have to leave if you aren't ready. But let's get in the car, okay?" 

Hannah  turned to face Sawyer, her eyes shining with tears. 

            "Sawyer, I don't think we should see each other anymore." Her voice shook.

The rain had made it to them by now, soaking them, stinging their skin, and Hannah  was shivering, but Sawyer barely noticed any of it. He could hardly breathe. It felt as though a sword had been shoved through his heart.

"What? Why?" 

Hannah  was crying so hard she couldn't speak. Sawyer seized her by the shoulders. 

"Hannah , please." 

"I love you! I love you so much! Don't you get it? Being with me is dangerous! You could be killed! And if it takes me breaking my own heart and yours just to know you're safe, that you'll have a chance at least to grow old with someone, then I'll do it. But I can't stand the thought that just because you fell in love with me your life could be over at any second! I can't!" Hannah  sagged against him, sobbing. Sawyer put a hand under her chin and lifted her face so she was looking at him. 

"Listen to me. I would defend you with my life any day, at any time. I would've even before this happened. This doesn't change anything. I love you, and I'm not going anywhere. Do you understand me?" 

Hannah  nodded slowly, trembling in Sawyer's arms, but not from the cold rain that continued to pelt them like bullets. They held each other as the storm raged on around them, held each other as though their lives depended on it.

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