Chapter Seven

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Hannah  and Sawyer arrived back at the school moments before the unmarked car pulled into the space next to them. The officers cast a strange glance at the soaking wet teenagers, but said nothing. Hannah  and Sawyer stayed silent as Sawyer drove back to her house. They heard the soft tap of the horn as the cops glided past her driveway. 

"Mom, Dad, we're back!" Hannah  called as she stepped into the house. 

No answer.

Sawyer checked the garage. 

"The car's gone," he reported. 

Hannah  dropped onto the sofa, Sawyer sitting down beside her. He put an arm around her shoulders. 

"You still want to leave me?" 

The softness, the sheer sadness in his voice brought tears to Hannah 's eyes. 

"I'm scared, Sawyer. I'm just really, really scared."   

"I know you're scared. But I'll protect you, okay?" 

"That's the thing. Who is going to protect you?"

Sawyer puffed his chest out. 

"I don't need protecting," he said in a gravelly voice. 

The look on his face was so ridiculous that Hannah  couldn't help but laugh. Sawyer laughed too, and then they were kissing, longingly, his fingers wrapped in her hair. 

"I love you, Hannah ," he said breathlessly. 

"I love you," she replied, gasping as passion stirred in her stomach, making her skin flush and tingle. "Promise me you'll stay."

"I'll stay forever," Sawyer swore, leaning her back into the cushions of the couch. Hannah 's eyes fluttered closed as she gave in to Sawyer. No matter what she had said earlier, as Sawyer gazed down at her with his scorching eyes, she knew they were meant to be together. They would keep each other safe. 

And if not...

They would die together too.

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Hannah  screamed loudly, her eyes snapping open. 

"Sawyer," she sobbed, reaching for him. His warm arms were around her instantly, holding her close, smoothing her hair off of her tear-soaked face.

"I'm here. I'm here, it's okay. It was just a bad dream."

Hannah  concentrated on slowing her breathing, like the therapist had taught her to do when she was young and plagued with horrific anxiety attacks. The nightmare had seemed so real. She was almost certain that if she had looked around, she would've seen her father. 

"What time is it?" Hannah  asked. "Where's Mom and Dad?"

"It's almost three in the morning...and they aren't home." 

"What?! Have you tried calling them?" Hannah  fumbled for her phone. 

"Calm down, Hannah . The storm is terrible. They probably stopped somewhere to ride it out. It's still pouring out there." Saywer hoped he looked as calm as he was trying to sound as Hannah  seemed to relax a little. They listened to the staccato rhythm of the rain hitting the roof for a few minutes before Sawyer decided to switch the television on. It only took a moment before breaking news flashed across TV. A disheveled reporter filled the screen. 

"The bodies of a couple were found brutally murdered just a few miles from their home moments ago. Grace and John Miller were found shot multiple times, their bodies left lying on the side of the road. Their car appears to have been stolen..." 

Sawyer shut the television off and turned wide, horrified eyes on Hannah . It was clear she was having trouble breathing. He dropped quickly to his knees in front of her. 

"Hannah , Hannah , baby, look at me. It's okay. Shh, I know it hurts, but you have to breathe, baby, you have to breathe." 

Hannah  was gasping for air, cradling her head in her hands. Her body trembled uncontrollably, racked with heart-wrenching sobs. Sawyer had never felt so helpless. 

There was a knock at the door. 

Hannah 's head snapped up as Sawyer stumbled to open it. The officers that had followed them to school and Sheriff Carson stood on the porch.

"We saw the news," Sawyer whispered. He led the way to Hannah , who was now curled up on the couch, her hands covering her face. 

"Please tell me it's a mistake," she said, her voice broken and muffled. 

The sheriff glanced at Sawyer briefly before turning back to Hannah . 

"I'm so sorry, Hannah ." 

A shrill scream filled the room, an agonized, hopeless wail that went on for a full minute before Hannah  realized it was her own

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