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Hello everyone I'm working on a story for a friend it's about TXT getting adopted.

But I really like what i'm doing here with this so i'm trying to finish this. Please leave a request I will love to do some.

But other than that on to the story. :)

Taehyung POV:

J-hope came down stairs and said to let hyung sleep for a little than we can go check on him. But after we ate are breakfast which was good. I look at Kookie and ask him,"Jungkook do you want to play overwatch or something". "Sure", he says

All the other just look at us and from there looks they are saying you best be quiet or well let Yoongi and Namjoon get to you. Me and Kookie can see Yoongi we can see fire in his eyes and Namjoon is just rolling his eyes at what we are looking at.

"Just be quite"Namjoon he finally says to us as we run into the living room.

Jin's POV:

I wake you to see the sun no longer coming through the window. Only to see what I think what is moonlight.

As I was about to get up and go look where the other, I remembered that they wanted me to stay in bed but I feel better so I mean I should be aloud to get out of this bed. Right?

I as I got out of bed I went over to the door and looked out into the hallway. Only to see nothing and hear from the sound of it Jungkook and Taehyung playing some kind of games. As I start to get closer to the stairs I can see the others playing so kind of game on the TV and talking. So I slowly go down the stairs so they don't hear me. I get behind Namjoon and but my chin on his head with my arms around his chest.

"Well look who is finally up and out of bed", Namjoon says sarcastically

Yoongi just gets up and walks me over to the couch to sit with the others.

"So hyung how are you feeling after sleeping all day?", Jimin asks me with his cute smile again

I say," A lot better" and this time I didn't fall into a coughing fit.

"Well that great", J-hope says

"Well I really expected you all to shove me back you stairs and into bed again. So I guess that means I can make dinner if that's ok with everyone" I ask

Just than Jungkook and Taehyung came down and sat next to me.

"Hi Hyung. So we are really going to let Hyung cook well he could be resting.", Kookie says to the others

"I feel like he should rest more" Yoongi says for his spot on the arm chair.

"I agree with Kookie and Yoongi. Jin you should rest more or at least don't do so much like sit and talk with us, and no cooking?" Namjoon says

I just nod in agreement "But I feel fine so I should be able to cook you all dinner" I say wanting to cook. I love to cook and the members love my cooking so I feel like I should.

Than Yoongi stands and go into the kitchen. "Jin please just rest we don't want you to get sick again that cough and fever could have gotten worse if you didn't rest so please just rest so you don't get sick again.

"Here Hyung" ,Yoongi says well handing me my medicine and some water.

I thank him and take it

Yoongi POV:

I got up and when into the kitchen to get Jin his medicine and so water but as I walk into the other room I could hear him complaining about not getting to cook.

BTS storys (probably more sickfic than anything)Where stories live. Discover now