Believe me

522 11 2

Here you go @boy_band_lover

J-hope had been feeling super tired lately and would sleep for hours longer than normal. Namjoon was getting fed up with j-hope sleeping all day long. Because they had a song to write and he thought Hobi was trying to avoid the work. So Namjoon pushed away from his desk and stormed out of his studio and down the hall to J-hope studio.

Once he opened the door there was Hobi with his head on his desk with his arms under them. His headphones where still on and on his computer there was the song he was working on. Namjoon slowly walk up to the other rapper and took off his head phones and put them on. He then heard the song that was not even a quarter done. Namjoon's frustration seems to have died down when he saw Hobi sleep, but when he heard the song he was pissed.

Namjoon exploded he thought maybe Hobi just got too tired and fell asleep while making the song, but when he heard what Hobi had gotten done he was fuming. He put the head set down and turned j-hopes swivel chair around on push. Then j-hope jumped up and looked around to see a very angry Namjoon in front of him.

"J-hope I leave to get work done we need this song done with in 2 weeks you can't keep sleeping. we are all tired. If I didn't think any better your are acting super selfish and lazy", Namjoon said. J-hope just looked down and sniffled. "Namjoon please stop yelling my head hurts as it is and your yelling isn't making it any better", Hobi said

Namjoon was more than over the edge. "J-HOPE LOOK YOU MAYBE MY HYUNG BUT I'M THE LEADER OF THIS GROUP AND YOU WILL DO AS YOU ARE TOLD", Namjoon screamed

Hoseok just grabbed his head and tried to hold back tears well looking down at the ground. "I'll be back later and I hope to see more than half that song done", Namjoon said and stormed out and slammed the door. J-hope then got out his phone and started to text Jin

In Messages

JH: Jin hyung i'm going home just letting you know

Jin: No your not Namjoon gave you an order and I expect you to follow it

JH: But Jin hyung my head hurts and i'm tired

Jin: Hobi look we are all tired and if you have a headache just take something

JH: How did you know Namjoon yelled at me?

Jin: I could hear it from my studio

End of Messages

J-hope was in his studio for hours he even told his dance instructor he would miss the first practice of the week. By the end of the day the song was done and J-hope had sent it to Namjoon. Once done he got up and packed his stuff well almost falling over because vertigo was slowly taking over him. He then stumbled out of his studio well holding on to the wall for support. Once in the lobby Hobi saw Jimin. "Jimin could you walk home with me?", J-hope asked

"Why were you not at Dance practice?",Jimin asked ignoring J-hopes question

"Well Namjoon wanted me to finish the song we were working on and I'm feeling kinda sick", J-hope told Jimin

"Sick how", Jimin asked

"My head hurt and the room keeps spinning", J-hope says

"Well have you eaten today?", Jimin says

"Um no not since last night", J-hope says

"Well that's why. Come on I'll walk home with you", Jimin offers

"Mk thanks", J-hope says

As they start their walk home Jimin keeps talking and J-hopes head keeping pulsing with pain. J-hope wasn't to say something but he doesn't want to anger Jimin. "Hobi hyung", Jimin says

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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