Chapter 10

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Just as Shuichi rendered speechless, the astronaut in-training entered the library, some books in his hand.

"Sorry I'm late," Kaito said.

Thank God, Shuichi thought. If Kaito didn't come in time, there's a serious risk that Shuichi would be murdered verbally thanks to Maki. "I was just about to look for you," he mentioned.

"Yeah, he was," Maki agreed, causing Kaito to look over at her sitting all alone. He narrowed his eyes.

"Why is she here?" he whispered rather loudly to Shuichi.

Shuichi shrugged. "Just ignore her."

Kaito gritted his teeth, but he didn't say anything. Shuichi had no idea why Kaito seemed to hate everyone. Sure, Maki wasn't the best person in the world, but... well, he shouldn't make any assumptions. Maybe Maki and Kaito has a bad past or something.

They started to study, but Kaito kept getting distracted. The guy kept on glancing at Maki every few seconds. Shuichi started to get annoyed as Kaito would not focus.

"You know what?" Shuichi said, standing up. "Let's move over there." He pointed to the other side of the huge library and picked up his stuff. Kaito hesitated, but eventually nodded and went along with Shuichi.

They continued to study, but Kaito was a lot worse student then Shuichi initially realized. Also, it seemed that Kaito was doing more eating than studying. His lunch was huge. Even Shuichi was getting hungry just glancing at it.

Kaito took a huge bite of sashimi and looked at Shuichi. "Studying is hard."

Shuichi tried not to grimace as Kaito was chewing with his mouth open. "I guess," he muttered back.

"But I'm not going to give up. Y'know why?" Kaito asked.


"Because, I'm... Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!! I never give—"

"Shh!" the librarian said from the front desk.

Shuichi giggled a bit at how confident Kaito was. Shuichi would never be able to say something like that himself. Kaito blushed and said, "Hey! I'm just trying to follow my dreams! How is that funny?"

"Ok, sorry. I think lunch is almost over anyway." Shuichi stood up. "You wanna meet here tomorrow? I... I know you don't have any test to study for, but if there's anything else you need help with..."

Kaito hesitated. "Uh— actually, I have plans tomorrow. I'm gonna, uh, meet with someone. Sorry."

"That's fine," Shuichi said, though Kaito's wording sounded odd. He said he would meet with someone, rather than saying he would be eating lunch with someone. Was Kaito meeting said person somewhere else? Damnit Saihara, stop being a detective all the time.

"So I'll see you in Art." Shuichi waved bye.

"I'll tell you how the test went!" Kaito replied as he leaved.

Later that day, Shuichi headed to his Art class. He hoped Kaito had gotten a good grade on the test. When he walked in, he spotted the space-lover in the corner talking with a muscular looking dude. Shuichi felt a bit intimidated by the new person but still sat next to Kaito, not wanting to be rude.

"Oh, hey there Shuichi! Have you met Mondo Owa— OW!!" Kaito was cut off when the other guy, apparently Mondo, elbowed him.

"What did I say about introductions?" Mondo muttered in a menacing tone as he gritted his teeth at Kaito.

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