Chapter 15

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1. important note: all the DR1 characters in this are a grade above shuichi and the rest.

2. i never featured any DR2 characters because i never finished the game lol

3. yeah i'm updating exactly a month after the last chapter. sorry i haven't much inspiration to write lately. like i have the idea but then i write and i'm just like cueichahxhejebxjuajcjejjsja

4. the art ^^ is mine asdfghjcjs do you think i should start doing art for this story?

This was the start of what Shuichi decided to call his little "investigation" of sorts. His first period Technology class began. Unfortunately, he didn't have many people to ask about the so called "Ultimate Gambler". Byakuya Togami sat next to Shuichi, but he felt unsure asking that guy. At the same time, Shuichi didn't want his own insecurities getting in the way of this, so eventually he mustered up the courage to talk to the affluent progeny.

"Hey, Byakuya?"

When the guy turned around, he had a look of absolute disgust that sent shivers down Shuichi's spine. "What could you possibly annoy me with at this moment?"

"Um..." Shuichi gulped. He couldn't just stop now. "I was wondering if you knew this one person. They're in your grade. Some people call them 'The Ultimate Gambler'. Do you have any idea on who it could be?"

Byakuya sighed, but his frown lessened just a millimeter. "Seems you've at least come to the right person for such a dull question. Her name is Celestia Ludenberg."

Shuichi smiled. This was way easier than he anticipated. "Really? Thank you so much!"

The rich guy didn't respond and instead began to work on some classwork.

Now, the next part was to see if he could find this girl. If Shuichi was lucky, he may even have a class with her. But unfortunately you couldn't just find out just any student's schedule. It took time, patience, and skill. Shuichi worried whether he lacked the skill.

After asking around in his next few classes, it seemed luck really was on the young detective's side. He shared Art class with Celestia and never realized!

However, when he told this information with a grin to his friends, he didn't get the response he hoped for.

Rantaro started to chuckle lightly hearing Shuichi explain the details of how he learned all this. "You know, you didn't need to do all that," he remarked.

Shuichi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, once you learned the name from Byakuya, that could be the end of it. Find her on social media, and then just text her there."

Shuichi's eyes widened. With a depressed frown, he sighed. "I'm so stupid."

He felt a hand on his back. "It's fine!" Kaede said, her reassuring tone trying to cheer Shuichi up. "Personally, I would always prefer talking in person anyway."

"Yeah..." Shuichi noted. "It's not like she can leave me on read in real life."


"Shut up," Kaede interrupted, breaking Rantaro's sentence. "Can't you tell Shuichi tried his best?"

He just shrugged and changed the subject. "Have any of you guys seen Kaito?"

"Kaito..?" Shuichi glanced around the cafeteria, but the astronaut in training seemed to be absent. "That's weird. He's usually the first one here."

"He probably had to stay after class again. You know how he is sometimes with teachers," Kaede remarked, not seeming to care.

"Uh," Shuichi started. "I have a feeling I know where he is. Just a second." He stood up and walked out of the cafeteria, leaving Kaede and Rantaro dumbfounded. He figured Kaito was in the library again, which was weird, but plausible. Maybe the magenta haired dude thought that they would be studying together again. Shuichi wasn't completely sure.

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