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A/N Probably the only straight out romantic pairings I will write is Ymir/Christa and Levi/Petra, since they are legit (and because they are just awesome). Hope you enjoy!

Four: Waiting

Ymir didn't care, really. She didn't care if she had to fight a thousand titans by herself, didn't care if she had every limb ripped out of its socket, didn't care if every drop of her blood had come gushing out from her skin. To have Christa- no, Historia- hold her like that and tell Ymir her name was worth anything she could have done. And even if Historia didn't love her back, even if Ymir never knew her true name, even if she had to live a life time without seeing those beautiful eyes ever again, Ymir would have waited. She would always wait for Christa.

She would wait a thousand lifetimes.

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