Twelve: Story

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Figured it was time to stop mourning jeanmarco and get on with an Armin-centric hc!

Armin just had his stories.

When he used to stand with Eren and Mikasa to watch the troops march by, or watch his parents put on their gear, he thought that it was just like how it was in the stories. Heroes and villains, the world outside, so many obstacles to over come, the world cut fairly into straight lines that were black or white and white and black that never crossed or faded out or changed color. He imagined his parents slashing their swords valiantly, flying through the sky like angels. That he would rise up one day and be stronger, stronger than the gang of boys and stronger than his grandfathers fist and stronger than all the villains that threatened his family.

But when Shinganshina fell before his eyes and the blood of his comrades pierced the air, then he knew that it wasn't like the stories, that the good guys didn't win and that heroes weren't the only ones with tales to tell. There were good and bad people, and in the end they were all stories. Everyone was just a story.

He would make his a good one.

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