Thirteen: They Knew

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A Reibert request, here you are! Hope its fluffy enough. Don't like, don't read. Also after the anime season and continues on until somewhere in the latest chaps of manga. Thanks!

It was hard, Reiner thought, to look Eren in the eye when he talked about Shinganshina, it was hard to sit with Annie and watch Bertholdt's eyes travel towards her with the weight of a guilty secret. It was hard to look at his hands, so small, so human, and know, really know, that in Titan form they had dripped with innocent blood, that they had destroyed society, and would much more. It was hard, but sometimes he felt thankful. He knew that Bertholdt knew that what they had done was horrible and awful but still all for the better. They knew that they had to go through with this together, like they always would. They knew that everything was their fault. And Reiner was scared. Under his strength and courage and bold words, he was afraid of what would happen to them, to Annie. But Bertholdts words made something feel warm and somehow safe, and gave him something human, so human it was incredible. He knew now. Bertholdt knew. All it took was one fleeting glance, eyes full of something undescribable.

And they knew.

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