Chapter 3: Stay here a little while

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Shadow pulled up to Christien's driveway. He lived in a medium sized house with two bedrooms, three bathrooms, a medium living room and kitchen.

Amy: are you staying?

Shadow: "sigh" unfortunately yes I am.

Amy: hmph, you didn't have to be so rude about it.

Shadow: what!? I'm living here for a little Rose.

Amy blushed at Shadows comment, nobody's ever called her that except for Sonic.

Amy: whatever let's just go inside.

Shadow and Amy walk inside to see the living room with Christien sitting on the couch.

Christien: hey you two.

Christien gives Amy a hug and then shakes Shadows hand.

Christien: so I have the room at the end of the hall, Shadows is to the right so you can have the one to the left.

Amy: thank you so much for letting me stay.

Christien: it's no problem, Sally should be back tonight. I'll see you tomorrow.

Amy says goodnight and walks to the bedroom while Christien and Shadow stayed in the living room.

Shadow: what are we watching?

Christien: psych, I'm almost done with the series.

Shadow snickers at a funny part and comments on it.

Christien: I haven't seen you this happy, why?

Shadow: I think it has to do with our little guest.

Christien: okay what happened that made you so happy?

Shadow: "sigh" Amy's smile made me happy.

Christien couldn't say anything after that. The only thing Shadow could do was watch the show while Christien kept starring at him.

Christien:... what!!

Shadow: what, I like her smile, it's the reason I lov...

Shadow stopped himself their hoping that Christien didn't know what he was gonna say, but he figured it out.

Christien: you love her! dude if Sonic finds out...

Shadow: the faker can't do anything. I won't tell him or her.

Christien: dude if you don't tell her soon you'll regret it the rest of your life.

Shadow: what do you know about that stuff anyways?

Christien: live and learn Shadow, live and learn.

Shadow: fine I'll go to her room now and tell her, will that make you happy?

Christien: not as happy as this show, but ya I'll be happy.

Shadow groaned and walked down the hall in front of Amy's door. Just before he knocks he hears her crying. He then walks in slowly to see Amy with her head on a pillow. After a little she looks up to see Shadow standing their.

Amy: Shadow, "sniffles" you scared me!!

Shadow: what's wrong?

Amy sighs and looks away from Shadow before answering.

Amy: I regret marrying Sonic. I thought I knew him but he...

Shadow put his finger to her mouth to keep her quiet.

Amy: Shadow what are you doing?

Shadow: Amy, there's something I've wanted to say for a long time.

Amy: well what is it?

Shadow: from the first time I saw you, to the few days before the wedding, I always felt like you and I should have been more.

Amy started to blush again, and so was Shadow.

Shadow: Amy, I've always...

Shadow was interrupted by Amy's soft lips touching his. The two fell on there backs on the bed while still making out. Shadow pulled back after awhile, and stood up.

Shadow: wait Amy this isn't a good idea, I mean your married for Christ sakes.

Amy: please Shadow I need this, your the only one I want right now.

Amy wanted to say more but her words got stuck in her throat. But Shadow already knew what to do.

Shadow: if you really want this, then you tell the faker as soon as he hurts you so that he can feel the pain you felt.

Amy nodded her head in agreement. Shadow lays down on the bed again, putting his lips to hers.

Twenty minutes later, with Christien.

Christien could almost here the sounds coming from the bedroom, so he cranks up the volume to block out the noise.

Christien: Jesus does anybody know that I'm still here?

Just as he says this, Sally walks into the door. She walks up to Christien and gives him a small kiss.

Sally: hey honey.

Christien: hey Sally, listen Amy's staying here for a little.

Sally: why did something happen with Sonic and her?

Christien sighed and nodded his head in silence. He explains to her that he heard him say things about Amy.

Sally: geez I wish we could do something to help them.

Christien: well see if Shadows done talking her, but she might be asleep.

Sally: okay.

Sally stands up and walks down the hall to Amy's room. opening it she sees her and Shadow making out. Sally slowly closed the door and walk back to the living room.

Christien: well what happened?

Sally: le...let's just say that Shadow and Amy are doing more than talking. But there using there mouths.

Christien laterally froze in place like an ice cube on a flat surface. He then tries to say something, but the words get caught in his throat.

Sally: this is bad right? I mean if sonic finds out he'll kill Shadow for sure, and who knows what he'll do to Amy.

Christien finally got out of his trance and looked at Sally.

Christien: we don't tell them anything, either Amy gets over Sonic or Shadow gets over Amy. Either way we make sure Sonic doesn't figure out. And don't tell anybody else got it?

Sally: yes, but what if Amy starts telling?

Christien: let's hope she doesn't.

Shadamy: Can't give up on love.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang