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I pulled out my ASP Pistol in the first drawer. I crossed my fingers and hoped that I could at least hold them off long enough to let us escape if they decided to break in. I hope she's calling 9-1-1 like I told her to. Then I began tiptoeing out slowly, sweat trickling down my forehead. Just before I got to the bend where the front door was, I peeked out and my blood turned to ice.

The gray, stained front door was wide open, letting in a blast of cool afternoon air.

My breath caught in my throat. I knew I locked the door, how was it even open? I have to warn Amy, I thought as I ran quickly to my room on my tiptoes, wrapping my finger on the trigger. I looked around, making sure to observe every possible spot a man would be able to hide in.

Finally, I reached the bathroom door; it was closed. I didn't hear anything, so I assumed that she had called the police and was now waiting for them to arrive, but I had to make sure she was okay.

I started to whisper her name but before anything could come out of my mouth, a strong arm wrapped around me and a white cloth was shoved under my nose. I let out a muffled scream and struggled under the powerful grip but I felt myself weaken quickly by the second. I tried with every bit of strength to pull the trigger but failed.

"Maria?" a faint voice called out behind the door. I needed to say something, I needed to let her know what was happening, but I didn't have enough strength to scream again nor speak.

My hand dropped the pistol and soon, my movements became feeble and I felt myself slipping away from consciousness. The last thing I remember before I passed out, was seeing was a wrinkled, masculine face looking down at me with malice.

The Wolfe Manor - DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang