Chapter Fifteen

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My eyes flickered open. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light. When they did, I noticed I wasn't in the small, cramped room on the third floor. It was warm and cozy instead of having a chilling gust of air constantly blow through the broken window. Where was I?

I lifted my head and surveyed the room better. The room was spacious and fancily-built. Beautiful wooden furniture was placed perfectly in the room; a nightstand was placed on my right by where I was laying down with a small, warm-glowing lamp, a large desk with a small chair was next to the doorway with papers scattered on top of it, and a couch and a stool on my left. The windows were covered with sheer curtains that blew slightly and a small chandelier was hanging in the middle of the room.

I was astonished, but where was I and whose room was this? I lifted my head from the pillow and marveled at the bed I was lying on. It was a giant king-sized poster bed adorned with soft blankets and pillows. I tried to get up further but I didn't have the strength so I lied back down.

Then I heard a soft creaking noise as if somebody were sitting on a rickety chair. I turned my head to my left.

Sitting in the corner was Master Wolfe, staring at me right at me with cold emotionless eyes.

My heart rate immediately rocketed up and I backed away, shoveling the neatly arranged pillows and blankets. "Get away from me, you monster!" I rasped. My throat was dry so not much came out.

Master Wolfe got up from the chair and stood over the bed, his arms reaching out to grab me.

"Don't touch me!" I shrieked, flailing my arms so he wouldn't get a grip on me.

"Stop it at once!" he finally replied, holding his hands up to his face. "I am not going to hurt you."

"Sure the hell you won't. Look what you did to me!" I cried, feeling my strength ebbing away already.

Master Wolfe stood over me, an unreadable expression on his face. He didn't try to touch me again. He didn't look angry enough to stop me. In fact, he looked annoyed. His arms were crossed as he looked down at me with disdain. Eventually, I stopped thrashing and looked up at him with wide, fearful eyes.

"Are you finished?" he snapped. "You are clearly very ill and squirming is not going to heal you any quicker."

Heal me? What the hell did he mean?

My face must have shown my confusion because he responded, "Just look at yourself!" he gestured at me. "You cannot do anything in this state."

He sat back on the chair. "Foolish, stupid girl," I heard him mutter under his breath as he reached for something on the floor and I realized it was a plate and a tall glass of water. "Take this," he ordered, giving it to me. "It will make you feel better."

I hesitated before taking it, warily sniffing the food. It was the same meal that was delivered to me on the third floor.

I didn't know how long it was when I lost my appetite in that room. Maybe the third day. Maybe the seventh. My stomach churned and pinched, but I still couldn't eat. I didn't want to eat. It was like I disgusted by the mere thought of food. Maybe that was Master Wolfe's intention.

"No," I rejected, pushing it away.

His eyes darkened. "It is not laced with arsenic. Eat it."

I shook my head. "No...please, don't do this to me," I pleaded, burying my face in my hands;  I could feel myself hyperventilating. "Please," I choked again, my breathing raggedy. I felt so sick and underweight that I couldn't help myself from crying. "Please," I wept over and over again like a broken record.

It wasn't until a few minutes later when I calmed down. I was panting for air now and I could feel myself getting lightheaded. I kept my face buried in my hands, however. I heard Master Wolfe heave a sigh. "What is your name?" he asked. I looked up sharply. His expression was indecipherable.

"I don't have a damn reason to tell you," I murmured, narrowing my eyes.

Tensing up, he growled slowly, "Tell me your name."

I looked away, hiding my apprehensive expression. "Maria Carson," I revealed begrudgingly. Master Wolfe didn't say anything but observed me very carefully with as if he expected me to make a break for it. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze; I wanted him to stop.

"Maria, where did you come from?" he asked, choosing his words mindfully.

"Why are you asking me all these questions?" I sniffled, avoiding his eyes. "What are you going to do to me?"

"Nothing," he answered simply, scratching at his chin. I could hear his fingers scratching at his stubble. "Where did you come from?" he repeated the same question again. I knew how this was going to go.

"I don't know," I answered back. Of course, I came from Louisea but I didn't know where I was or where we traveled to get here. I didn't know if I was still in Ohio. But I didn't tell him that.

Master Wolfe looked around before facing me. He leaned closer until his face was in close proximity to mine and whispered, "If you do what I say, I can help you."

I backed away, alarm prickling my skin. Did I hear him right? It took a second to process what he had just told me. "What do you mean 'help me?'" I whispered back, unsure if what I asked was the right question. He frowned but didn't answer. I tried to look into his brown, slightly almond-shaped eyes but they revealed nothing.

"What do you want me to do?" I whispered instead, my hands trembling slightly.


He once again gave the plate and glass of water to me. Now I really had no choice. He looked disgruntled and I didn't want to make him angrier. I shoved the food down my throat and consumed all the water in a just few gulps. It didn't make any difference at all. I was still lightheaded and queasy.

"Good," he smirked, taking the plate and the glass from me. "That feels better, does it not?"

"Yes, Master Wolfe," I agreed reluctantly.

Master Wolfe brought the chair closer to me and looked around again. Who is he trying to shut out? His eyes focused on me. "I am going to get you out of here, Maria," he told me in a low murmur.

I blinked at him, dumbfounded. I tried to find words but couldn't. He once again noticed my shock and leaned in closer. I stiffened. "You are not the only slave I have been wanting to release." I could feel his breath against my ear. "I never wanted you here."

I was shocked. "But...but I–"

"If you decide to let me help you, you will have to obey everything I tell you to. It will make it easier for both of us and it will be a clean getaway. Are you accepting my offer?"

I hesitated. Was he lying to me?

You can't trust him, Maria.  You know better, my subconscious told me.

My breathing grew heavier as I thought about it.  My heart started to beat fast. If I was forced to obey everything he told me in order to escape, it could end badly.

But maybe this was my only chance to finally escape this hell.

I looked up at him, biting my lip nervously. I had decided.


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