Chapter Seventeen

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My stomach twisted in huge knots as my hand lingered over the door to Master Wolfe's office. After finishing the dinner that Master Wolfe didn't attend, I made sure to go straight upstairs. I was beyond tired but the anticipation of tonight gave me a little more energy.

Despite what he promised, I was reluctant to trust him. How was he going to plan this? This didn't exactly seem planned the entire time; it seemed more like a last-minute decision.

It's gonna be alright. He offered to help; he knows what he's doing.

With bated breath, I pushed the door open and a tide of gray smoke smacked me right in my face. The heavy aroma of tobacco was smothering; it strangled me until some of it escaped out the open door.

Squinting my eyes, I called out, "Master Wolfe?" in a timid voice.

"I am here, come in," he replied in an exasperated tone. "Close the door on your way in," he added.

Doing as he said, I wandered in the room. It was smaller than any of the rooms I've been in in the manor. Only a desk, two chairs, a window, and a few stacked up papers in a corner made up the entire room. There, in one of the chairs, sat an irritated Master Wolfe, smoking on an old pipe.

"About damn time," he muttered, smoke snaking out of his mouth.

I flinched. "I'm sorry, Master Wolfe. I didn't think I'd be so late," I added, knowing well that I wasn't.

Huffing, he blew out a cloud and stood up, placing his pipe on the desk. "Now, I need to clarify something with you, Maria."

He put his hand on my shoulder and led me to a chair as if I needed to know how to walk. Sitting down beside me, he narrowed his eyes. "No one, and I repeat, no one must know about this," he muttered quietly.

Prominent confusion must've shown on my face because Master Wolfe's expression turned dark. "About my helping you escape. Don't mention it to the other slaves, don't discuss any related plans if I'm not present, and do not talk about it with Baine or anybody else in the manor. Am I making myself clear?" he snarled.

Shrinking back, I nodded. I really need to stay on track here. If I mess up, Master Wolfe will give me hell.

"That's not enough. Swear on your life that you will not tell a soul." he urged.

Nervously, I did what he told me and Master Wolfe relaxed, leaning back in his chair. "Second thing; if I'm ever going to return you, I need to know where you live. Lived," he corrected himself.

I was hoping he wouldn't ask me that. But out of desperation, and fear, I told him, "I lived in Louisea, Ohio. It's maybe about an hour away from Columbus."

I guess it took a second for Master Wolfe to register that in his head because he didn't respond until a full two seconds later. "Are you serious?" he asked, incredulous.

"Well, yes," I answered, unsure of why he was getting stressed about it.

"Are you telling me you currently live in Ohio? Now?" He groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose. What's wrong?

"Yes, Master Wolfe," I said with an edge in my voice. Wasn't he supposed to help me and not complain about it? This was his idea, after all.

"Damn, Maria, my manor is in Pennsylvania. Piedmont, Pennsylvania to be exact."

Now it was my turn to blank out. "Pennsylvania?!" I blurt out, making Master Wolfe jump in alarm. "No, no, no, I can't be in Pennsylvania, I–I live all the way in Ohio, it's–"

"It is okay," he said to me, closing his eyes. "We will figure out how to get you to Ohio, nonetheless."

Slowly, I nodded. Was this going to change things? Was this going to extend the process of me escaping?

"Damn it, why the hell would Baine bring somebody all the way from Ohio here?" Master Wolfe muttered to himself while holding his face in his hands. "Why go through all the trouble?"

He looked up at me. "Well, I am going to have to improvise..." Getting up, he walks to the door and looks over his shoulder. "Maria, please stay here. I will only be a moment."

Blinking, I watch him disappear through the door and I wait, consumed in my own thoughts. The fact that I was so far away from home concerned me. I was sure that it would take me more time to escape than any other slave in the manor, considering they lived in Pennsylvania too. If Master Wolfe's plan was to drive me back home, that would be one hell of a trip.

Soon, Master Wolfe came back in with a long piece of rolled-up paper in his hand. He placed it on the desk and smoothed it out.

"Maria, come here," he ordered. I obeyed and stood beside him, looking down at an antique-looking map of all of the states in the northeast. All the states shown had cities listed; from the capital to the little hillbilly towns nobody's even heard of, they were all there.

"Maria, can you find me your city?" He asked.

Sighing, I searched for Louisea. It wasn't hard to find considering it was close to the borderline of West Virginia. I found Osachester first, which is right next to Louisea, then I was able to find it. I was surprised I'd even find the city there since it was so damn ghetto. After pointing it out to him, he measured the distance between those Louisea and Piedmont.

Needless to say, they were far.

Heaving a deep sigh, Master Wolfe tapped his chin thoughtfully. "This really ruins my plans," he growled to himself. "I do not know what we will do now, but I think by tomorrow...yes, I will have something planned."

Taking a moment to let the disappointment pass, I nodded. "Okay."

Master Wolfe stopped and looked at me. "I promise I will get you home. I just...need time." I refrained myself from scoffing. He almost looked sympathetic about the situation.

"Right now," he declared, rolling the map back up. "It would be best to go back to your room to let me think this through."

I got up and he led me back to the last room in the hall. We passed a lot of doors since the office was one of the first on the floor. "Remember, don't mention this to anybody, Maria," he whispered as we passed the last door until mine.

"Yes, Master Wolfe." I murmured. I got the picture.

He pursed his lips. "Good." He gently urged me inside the room and locked the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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