The first Crack in the Ice

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Almost shoving her through the doorway Mo Yuans anger was barely contained even though she could feel it simmering below the surface.  The entire way, he had said nothing to her as they periodically cloud jumped through the corridors and though her mind had stilled all thoughts having been rendered too shocked to say a word, there had been a moment when she realized just how angry he was when three maids were suddenly sent sprawling out of their way.

The Mo Yuan she knew, would not have continued on his way.  He would have absolutely stopped to assist them,  but that he continued with no thought to their wellbeing, had her own anger rising by the time they arrived at his chamber.

Though why he had chosen to take her there when there far more private areas that were not so intimate had her wondering exactly what his intentions were, because no sooner were they in his room with a privacy barrier raised, then she too was almost sent sprawling into the middle of the room.

Barely keeping to her feet, she swung around swiftly with a few choice words ready to fly off the tip of her tongue only to swallow them back when the black thunder in his eyes she had only ever seen aimed at others, were fully focused on her.

In his mind, it seemed as if they had gone back seventy thousand years, and rather than a World Leader standing regally before him, was instead that same insolent Disciple who demanded attention every second of every day and though he had always indulged her every whim in order to keep her happy and therefore maintaining the peace for the rest, it seemed as if even the most basic of manners had escaped her, and as her Shifu, whether she acknowledged it now or not, he had failed miserably.

"You dare to dishonour me?"  his voice lashed painfully against her ears and forcing her mouth to clamp down sharply as he took two steps forward to close the gap between them.

"Dishonour you?" she asked incredulously, her thin voice barely audible as she fought against taking a step back and meeting his hard glare face on.

"Before the entire world, not only did you break protocol by rudely interrupting what is a meeting between Leaders whos alliances are barely holding, but to cause offence to every single one of them as my Seventeenth Disciple is unforgivable." the harsh tone thundered down at her and making her jump.

It was a subtle movement, but as Mo Yuans anger soared at the insolence in her eyes, her own erupted.  For seventy thousand years she had trained herself to close down every emotion including anger by strengthening an inner wall that no one had ever come close to collapsing and she wasn't about to let it happen now.

"I told you.  The Discipleship ended seventy thousand years ago High... God.... Mo Yuan....."she screamed back while adding emphasis to his title and what he was to her now.

"It ends when I say it does!" Mo Yuans voice rumbled heatedly over the top of her and this time breaking a little of the barrier that she was struggling to contain.

"NO!" she yelled back.  "You killed it when you left, there is no Discipleship, no Disciple brothers and no Shifu.  You ended it yourself so there is nothing left for us to discuss." her own voice slashed back at him and moving to brush past him with every intention of leaving.

But a life time of barriers had strengthened Mo Yuan against every word ever invented.  They washed over him like water to a ducks back as his arm came up to catch her around the waist and forcing her to stop.  His hand was barely touching her, it was as gentle as the man she had once known, the one who had held her like that in her youth and for a few seconds her mind was thrown back to the valley of flowers.

From the very first moment that she had taken hold of his hand, which she had done without thought, then the little initmate touches became more frequent and not always from her either.  Mo Yuan seemed to find many reasons to touch her and being a rather bubbly girl, so unlike her male form, she presented him with many opportunities.

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