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Waking to the bed moving beneath him, Guotins head flew off his pillow in a panic while his eyes quickly scanned every square inch of his chamber in under a second.  Untangling himself from his blanket which his conjured sword just as quickly sliced to pieces, the sudden heavy shudder of stone giving way, had him racing from the chamber and straight for Bai Qian with the thought that the den was under attack.

Also waking to the den shaking and the sound of rumbling masonry falling around her, Bai Qian let out a squeal as she too dove out of bed in a panic.  Also with her sword in hand, she immediately flew towards the main den with the same thought as Guotin.  That anyone would dare to attack the Fox Den with four High Gods in attendance along with her little niece who she could hear screaming, instantly had the adrenaline pumping and her anger soaring by the time she reached her mother who was also running for the main den along with Mi Gu who was issuing orders for everyone to evacuate as the thundering sound of the den falling apart grew louder.

"Mother, get out!" she screamed followed by Guotins voice yelling at her to also leave.

"My soldiers are above us, they will lead you to safety!" he roared as one hand took hold of her arm and the other took hold of her mother.

Turning to briefly stare at him, The Empress caught a flare of adrenaline in those dark eyes as they scanned their surroundings for an enemy which he was more than ready to attack should they make one foolish move towards them.  That he was so decisive and ready to battle an enemy he couldn't even see and all for her daughter as well as herself was heartening and for a few seconds, admiration flickered through her soft brown eyes.

Also noticing the way he was more than prepared to fight an unknown enemy in unfamiliar territory and without any real back up, Bai Qians estimation of him rose significantly.  It was one thing to protect a woman against thugs, but to actually be prepared to fight a possible battle against unknown assailants in a place he was unfamiliar and for people who did not trust him was another.  But as much as she admired his determination to get her out of the den and to safety, the stubborness soon kicked in.

Snatching her arm back, she shook her head and all the while the noise escalated to a deafening crescendo.  Yet despite the horrific noise and the way it was shaking the very foundations, they could not see where it was coming from.

"Father!" she yelled as she took off running with her mother in hot pursuit, and because her arm was still in Guotins strong grip, he too was forced to run until eventually the sight of rubble, dust and two sets of eyes brought them all to a crashing halt.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Bai Qian screeched at her father and Mo Yuan who were covered in dust from head to toe and looking very pleased with themselves.

"Darling, look.  I think there might even be room for a second child!" Mo Yuan called out excitedly through the gaping hole in the wall while haphazardly swiping at the dust on his face to reveal two dirty grimy cheeks that were raised high in a big wide smile.

"Xiao Wu, the entensions might take a while, because the double chamber that Mo Yuan wants to add, will need to be added to the den which will mean knocking out the back wall..." her father spluttered through the dust.

Stunned beyond words, Bai Qian could only gape at the two men who were not only going ahead with their crazy scheme to extend the den, but they were actually doing it to disrupt her marriage trial by creating a nursery and marriage chamber for her and Mo Yuan and their children which he was already counting.

"Are you crazy?" she seethed back at them while Guotin stood glaring at the mess and then at Mo Yuan while barely keeping his eyes from her father lest he offend him.

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