Action -3

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Racing to the Northern side of his sprawling estate, Guotins heart was in his mouth. This side of his vast lands was the most dangerous and for one very good reason. Even though a barrier was raised, that side bordered the most dangerous side of the darklands. Beasts of hell roamed freely in those parts and his barrier was barely strong enough to keep them out. Being of the lowest part of the darklands, the ability to keep his barrier high and his people protected took an enormous amount of skill, effort and energy to maintain, because the further north one went, the weaker the Immortal essence was and therefore the stronger his barrriers had to be.

No one of the Light Realms was aware of this, or at least he didn't think they were because the borders were kept under tight security. And as he ran, he heart sank as a full report was issued.

"A rip in the barrier gave way this morning, only the beasts had remained on their own side and though we were able to strengthen it, our scouts couldn't find you to to inform you. Then just an hour ago, the rip once again appeared and this time the beasts began running for it. Several are making it in, but something very strange is happening." his young guard informed him in a heated rush as he too semi ran and semi cloud jumped to keep up.

"What happened?" Guotin barked as he sped towards the northern barrier. It was the only part of his lands that he would not allow Bai Qian to visit and nor had he explained why. Her energy was far too powerful, and the beasts would have sensed her even through his barrier which was more in line with the dark energy that was thick in the air the closer they got. The last thing he had wanted was for her to unintentionally set them off.

"The beasts are making it through, but they seem to be in a daze. No sooner does one make it in, then it collapses and another enters directly behind it. Several are now lying unconscious while the others come in from behind. Its as if something from their own lands has greatly disturbed them. They seem drunk." he replied unable to actually articulate exactly what it is they are doing.

Finally reaching the outskirts of the Northern lowlands, his barrier came into view along with a full line of soldiers who were barely managing to contain the rush of beasts who were still making it in.

Throwing a burst of his energy at the wall, Guotin streamed recklessly ahead to kill the beasts that were caught up in the blast before once again strengthening his barrier. That they had made it in at all, suggested something on their side had managed to weaken it enough to give them access. But one look at the beasts on the ground that were scattered all over the land as far as the eye could see, he began to understand what his scout had meant.

They seemed groggy and unseeing as if they were actually drunk.

"Did you notice anything at all from their side that could have caused this?" his voice rang out which immediately had his soldiers lowering themselves to their knees.

"No My Lord. There was nothing at all that we could see." one answered as their heads bowed.

Bloodied, bruised and exhausted, his men remained kneeling as he watched their tired faces closely. They were out of breath and some had been injured, but in all, they would be capable of continued service after a good rest.

But still, a serious breach had occured and deciding to interview as many as he could, he then set about having a tent erected and in no time at all, his men began to fill him in on what it was exactly that they had seen.


Quietly the two little butterflies made their way towards the mian Palace. Being so small and dainty white, they went completely unnoticed by everyone they silently flew by. Now and then a hand would reach out to lightly touch their fluttering wings, and for a brief moment, they rested in the branch of a tree quietly observing the people below as they went about their daily routines.

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