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-Let me be-

The car engine purred at a slow but steady pace, filling the silent air with sound

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The car engine purred at a slow but steady pace, filling the silent air with sound. "Oh, my name is Himawari Y/n. A classmate and acquaintance of Amajiki Tamaki." The other line stayed quiet for a moment leaving her to believe the call was cut off. "Alright, be safe then. Come for dinner yes? I'd like to thank you personally." Amajiki's mother spoke in a tired but reassuring voice. "Of course, sleep well." The call was ended shortly after the farewells and wishing of good sleep. She set Amajiki's phone down and shifted gears. The car reversed out the parking space and shifted again to drive out the parking lot.

The ride was tiring and serene. The night sent a calm breeze and sparkly freckles in the sky with the clouds crying out, the lampposts glowed parts of the street with a dim glow. All seemed like a fairytale, Y/n shifted and drove up into a drive-through ordering a (choose drink & snack). "Mmm," Amajiki mumbled in his sleep seemingly uncomfortable with his current position. He shifted for a while and opened his eyes. His expression remained calm and tired, "Where are w-we g-goin-going?" She concluded that he was half asleep and spoke softly, "My place. Don't worry we'll be safe there." He looked at her and smiled, "I'm always safe wherever you are..."

Y/n smiled and blushed, "Awe. That's sweet to say. Go rest okay?" Amajiki nodded and shuffled in his seat before falling back into another coma-like state. She sighed but didn't let his words go to her head as he was half asleep. Pulling up at her neighborhood she slowed down and pulled into her driveway. Her mother's car was parked beside her indicating she was home as well. With a sigh, she grabbed her items and keys and exited the vehicle. Walking to the passenger side, drowsiness hit her like a truck and she felt how tired she was.

Amajiki stirred in his sleep seeing bright lights. The door beside him opened and he drowsily looked to the side, a beautiful woman was there helping out; an angel. "W-wow, you're so--Are you m-my ang-angel?" Y/n stood there baffled and choked, "Ah, uh-I'm Y/n. An acquaintance I suppose." She looked at his face which had signs of fever, flushed face, sweat, and short breath. She hummed and quickly helped him out of the vehicle.

Y/n proceeded to her door casually looking back at Amajiki. He was half awake and struggled to walk straight. "Do you need help?" Amajiki shook his head, 'no' and humbly twiddled his fingers. He still had his personality intact. She grabbed her keys to unlock the door but the door opened instead.

Y/n's mother stood at the doorway looking unimpressed with her daughter, "Bringing boys over, huh?" Y/n scowled at what she was implying and pushed her way in, Amajiki in tow. "Hey! Listen to me! You're in this house so respect the person here!" She yelled and reached out to Amajiki to use against her. "Let me be. This is my house, that I bought, I support you. Either leave or mind your business."

-Smells sweet-

After Y/n's mother left the house in a fit of anger, she set Amajiki on her bed and took care of him. She sat on the floor leaning against the wall as she scrolled through her feed. Her eyes began to droop and she dropped her phone and fell asleep, Her phone locking after a few minutes of inactivity.

The morning was long gone, still, both teens had yet to wake from their slumber. Amajiki had several pleasant dreams of him confessing to his love, something he wouldn't do unless he wasn't aware. As his dream came to an end, his eyes opened, and looked at a plain white ceiling. His ears twitched at the familiar scent and he sighed dreamily, "Smells sweet, wait--."

Amajiki stood erect and winced at the sudden movement, his eyes widened in horror as he recalled the events from the night prior. To his side was the beautiful Y/n, someone he would gladly die for. He screeched and fell into another endless dream. Y/n sat upright and looked at him from the ground, she was startled by a screech that sounded throughout her dream. She looked to the side and reached for her phone, 2:26 p.m. She turned off the device and smiled at the sight of her one love. 

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