Roaring Heart

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We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.

—Mother Teresa

ANNA CAMILA: What did I do wrong, Estefano? We are in his shuttle. He is driving me back home. Anna, our relationship was a mistake. I rushed into things.

I thought you loved me, I said.

How can I love two people at the same time, Anna?

Look, I'm sorry; things didn't start off on the right foot for us to begin with. Anna, I need to tell you something.

What is it?

I am engaged now.

And it is precisely these words that make me feel like I am under water.

I'm going to kill myself, and when I'm dead and gone, I don't want you crying for me.

Anna, not funny.

You don't believe I'd do this?

It's not that I don't believe you. Anyone can do something stupid! But I think you're blowing things out of proportion! I'm sorry if things couldn't work out. But hey, find a reason to live, love yourself, Anna. He grabs my chin and says, You're beautiful and this world deserves your unique presence, and would miss out if you decided to leave!

ANNA'S GUARDIAN ANGEL: I did what I could to save her. The glory and honor to You our God for protecting her despite the enemy's dark intentions.

ESTÉFANO: A golden locket used to hang around Anna's neck and is now in a little bundle between her hands. I had given it to her for her twenty-first birthday. It is a Virgin of Guadalupe pendant.

I muttered a prayer: "Lord, I know I am not exactly in love with her, but I still care for her. I did wrong to both Anna and Alondra. They both need my prayers; but right now, Father, please if you can, save Anna."

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