There Is a God

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There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

—Albert Einstein

ALONDRA'S GUARDIAN: Isn't she beautiful? the Father asks me. Oh yes, Papa, she seems like another one of Your Angels, but she's human. It's her time to leave now. Will you prepare her for her trip back home to Estefano? Oh of course, Papa. It'll be an honor.

I take Alondra on a long walk in her special garden in heaven. Here I explain to her how she has been healed of Leukemia by a grace bestowed on her from Papa. She listens as attentively as she can, but she is distracted by the glittery butterflies and bees, the roses dripping with dew, and the music from the river of Life. Will I ever be back, she asks. It's up to you, Papa's Son responds putting His hand on Alondra's shoulder. So He is real! Oh, my doubting Alondra! You will never doubt again, my love. Look at My hands. Ouch, Alondra casts her gaze aside feeling Jesus' pain in her own wrists. I'm so sorry we did that to you. I did it to save you. Now follow Me so I can bring you back to our Papa one day. Yes, Lord, I will. Call Me, Yahshua. It's my Hebrew name. Yahshua, it's the sweetest name, she says.

Alondra is leaving heaven now with the name Yahshua on her lips. We are leaving our heavenly abode for now, I walk behind her waving goodbye to all our friends.

Alondra is traveling inside a white tunnel of light. I see the world, in a perfect globe - with clouds and winds and us Guardian Angels all around it protecting humans from the darkness that threatens to slaughter them. I focus in, and I can see rivers and forests, skyscrapers, and the oceans. I focus more, and I can now see the Panama Canal with ships coming and going, levels of water falling and rising to let the ships pass. I am reminded of babies and boats in their baths. I can see life being lived so fast close by to where Alondra lives: the freeways, the parties, the music, the dances, but there is also the quiet side: Alondra's solitary Jacaranda, her white roses, the days in their cozy kitchen crying over paella, the gray house where my Alondra lives with her two little girls —sleeping like "angels." She is on her way back, back home, on her way back to earth, back to her garden, back to Los Angeles. Alondra is back in her body, next to her Adam - the blessed Estéfano.

ALONDRA: Yahshua, Yahshua. I am thirsty. I am thirsty. Where am I? Where's Yahshua?

Alondra! You're up! My God, there is a God!

I know, I met Him. You wouldn't believe me, but I met Him and my Angel. I was in heaven.

Estéfano is holding my hand. It's a miracle he whispers in the midst of his crying by my bedside. 

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