In Utero

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ALONDRA'S BABY BOY IN UTERO: Mama, Mama, I am alive here in the ether, yet in your love. Mama, Mamita, my soul is light and water bending in the river of love and you. I long to be held by you. These months feel like an eternity waiting for dawn, my birthday to arrive. They will tell you to keep me, your baby, snug and safe for a minute before they test to see how everything in me is working. Mamita, take it easy, don't write or stress too much, you are beautiful, Mommy. Mommy don't ever leave Daddy. Please take care of yourself. Take your vitamins. Go to the men and women in white for those tests. Don't worry, Mommy. Please take care of yourself. I am growing. You know me—I am unborn and restless sometimes hearing you singing in the shower in my dreams makes me feel your heart closer to mine. I love you like crazy! You are my first love, after his love of course. I like the sound of the piano when you play it for me, especially the songs where you sing. Can you play it for me, please, the day I am born? I can't wait for you to walk down the aisle with my daddy.

Daddy, I'm waiting for you to caress me once more, well momma's skin where I kick, and you feel. You want me to play soccer one day with you, I will, but more so I would like to play piano and sing and swim in the river; feel what real water's like. I would love to run and leave my footprints through snowy peaks and beaches as well. Daddy, I wonder what you all look like. I wish you guys could read this letter I am writing from inside Momma Alondra's womb.

I am a mermaid child in the sky, well not really. I know this is a story by Hans Christian Andersen. I love his stories my mommy reads to my sisters and me. When you read to us I suck my thumb and like a roly-poly I curl, dreaming of the curves of Mommy's uterus. I know little Stéfi likes them when they roll up into a ball and when she pokes them they wake up sometimes to scatter away. And Ceci, oh Cecilia, she is a blossom in Love's hands. I can't wait to be held by her as well!

Flowers, I'm picking daisies in all colors for Ceci, Stéfi, and you, Momma. I hope you all love me even more when I'm born!

Oh, and Mom, do you like red roses or do you prefer pink chrysanthemums?

Oh, what am I saying! Jacaranda flowers! I know - they're your favorite!

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