The Sweetest Calm

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The cure for anything is salt water

sweat, tears or the sea.

—Isak Dinese

ALONDRA: Tangled bougainvillea blooms in peach formed an arc of living water; a glowing door like living rays of a mysterious sun. In my dream, I stepped slowly in my eight-months pregnant body toward the mistiness. There in the flickering light - something peaceful and warm was waiting for me. I have to get to there, I thought, where these water and waves lead like a tunnel, where nothing seems to drown and everything is alive. Glitter is falling from the twilight-lit sky. My bare belly resembling a watermelon becomes covered in turquoise glitter. I am blindfolded by God knows who, and yet I smile. I form a question in my mind then vocalize it: Is this where my baby boy lives? I enter suddenly a red-orange room that makes me think of the inside of a womb from the videos on youtube about how a fetus develops. With a gentle push forward — someone encourages me to keep going, to not give up. Finally, I hear our baby boy cry: the voice of our baby love who in a flash-vision begins to swim with dolphins who have etheric wings. The ocean with its rhythmic vibe lulls me into the sweetest calm, 'til I am weeping warm salty tears from appreciation, bliss and awe. 

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