Part 2 Chapter 9: A Happy Family

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The next night, while Elaine was talking with Irissia and Sacagawea, Lancelot was talking with Ahkmenrah, Larry, and Teddy. "So, things between you and Elaine are going well" Larry commented. "Yes. However, I do want to romantically win her back. The thing is, I am not quite sure how" Lancelot said. Larry then turned to Teddy and Ahkmenrah. "Do you guys have any ideas?" Larry asked them. "Well, how did you two first meet?" Teddy asked.

"The sorceress Morgan le Fay was jealous of Elaine's beauty so she magically trapped her in a boiling bath. After I heard about the damsel in distress, I set off and rescued her. After I did rescue her, Elaine fell in love with me. However, at that time I was in love with Queen Guinevere and I would have never slept with any other woman that wasn't Guinevere. After I rejected her, Elaine ended up asking the sorceress Dame Brusen for help. Dame Brusen then gave me wine and she gave Elaine a ring of Guinevere's in order to trick me into thinking she was Guinevere. The next morning after I woke up, I discovered that the woman I slept with was not Guinevere. I drew my sword and I threatened to kill Elaine, but she told me that she was pregnant with Galahad. So, I ended up agreeing not to kill her" Lancelot explained. "Then what did you do?" Ahkmenrah asked. "I kissed her and then I departed. After that, Elaine remained in her father's castle and gave birth to Galahad and after his birth, King Arthur held a feast in his court to celebrate Galahad's birth and of course Elaine attended. I ended up ignoring her when I saw her and apparently she was upset because she was so in love with me" Lancelot said.

Larry then took out his phone and he looked something up. "According to the legends, she complained to Dame Brusen, and Dame Brusen told her that she will and I quote, 'undertake that this night he shall lie with her' and that night, Dame Brusen brought you to Elaine who was pretending that she was Guinevere and she summoned you. You went and once again slept with Elaine. At the same time, Guinevere herself summoned you and she was enraged to discover that he were not in your bedchamber. She heard you talking in your sleep and she found you in bed with Elaine" Larry read off his phone. "What else does it say?" Lancelot asked. "She was furious with you and she told you that she never wanted to see you again. You ended up going mad with grief and" Larry paused. "What?" Lancelot asked. "You uh, got naked, jumped out a window and ran away" Larry said in shock. The men were silent for a moment trying to process the information. Teddy took Larry's phone and read what was on the screen. "Elaine confronted Guinevere about to her treatment of you. She accused Guinevere of causing your madness and told her that she is being unnecessarily cruel and she left the court. Time passes Elaine finds Lancelot insane in her garden. She brings him to the Holy Grail, which ends up curing him. When he loses his insanity, he decides to live with Elaine, and they live in a beautiful house in the countryside together for several years as man and wife with their son Galahad" Teddy read. Larry, Ahkmenrah, and Teddy looked at Lancelot. Lancelot slowly sank to the floor as he processed the information. "However, when we first met you, you were looking for the holy grail so your Elaine might not have tricked you the second time" Larry smiled brightly once he had an idea. "The way I see it, that was Elaine' s way of proving to you that she loves you. She wanted you to love her but you were in love with Guinevere at the time. Perhaps you should do a grand gesture of your own to prove to her that you love her" Ahkmenrah suggested. "And we'll help you in any way we can" Teddy said as he put a hand on Lancelot's shoulder. "What about Dexter? He does not seem to like me like Able does" Lancelot said. "Dexter didn't like me at first. On my first Night Guard shift, Dexter caused me a lot of trouble. He tore up the list that I was using to help me, stole my keys, and unlocked the storage gate that released all the exhibits into Central Park" Larry said as he explained how Dexter got to like him. "So what do you suggest I do?" Lancelot asked. Dexter then went to where the men were talking and he climbed onto Larry's shoulder. "Dexter, how can Lancelot get you to like him?" Larry asked. Dexter made a few noises, smiled, and he raised his hand. They turned to Ahkmenrah for a translation. "He said he wants you to let him smack you" Ahkmenrah explained. "You already did that earlier" Lancelot said. Dexter made a few more noises and Ahkmenrah cleared his throat. "Yes but that was for Elaine. He would like to smack you again because he wants to" he translated. "But why?" Lancelot asked. Dexter made a few noises and Lancelot looked at Ahkmenrah. "Because he feels like it" Ahkmenrah said. "Very well" Lancelot said with a sigh. Dexter let out what sounded like a laugh and he smacked Lancelot. Once satisfied, Dexter got off of Larry's shoulder and scampered off.

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