The King And The Prince

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  They had been swimming for days as the Godzilla Jr had tired out, he climbs on to his father's back and falls asleep. For 3 hours, Godzilla keeps swimming until he notices land and started to swim towards it.

     Godzilla roars softly to let the baby know that they just arrived. The little Godzilla jumps off his father's back into the water and starts to swim towards land. Godzilla chuckled as he made land fall, Baby Goji smelled the area until he found some bushes he could eat.

    Godzilla started to walk further into land as he noticed a large cave they could sleep in. He laid inside and fell asleep while Junior was eating the plants. That was when he noticed something flying and ran towards it while Godzilla was asleep. Junior climbed up the hill only to trip as he fell into lava.

   (I know what your thinking how could I kill probably one of the most adorable monsters ever well you guessed wrong!)

Junior poked out his head as he started to swim through the lava until he heard the sounds of laughter. The small alpha predator started to walk towards it only to come across 4 teenage dragons. "HEY GUYS COME CHECK THIS OUT, A LITTLE BABY DRAGON WITH OUT WINGS!" Godzilla Jr out of the lava while all the dragons looked at him in shock of his size.

  "He's not so little now is he...", as a dragon whispered to the dragon from before. The baby Godzilla roared as he looked up a released a puff of smoke from his mouth. The dragons all looked at him and stood there for ten seconds only to laugh.

   "AAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA What kind of dragon doesn't have wings and breath fire HAHAHA!" The dragons laughed at the poor little godzilla until they heard footsteps. Big loud footsteps until they stopped, the dragons were freighted only until the little G started to roar. That's when they saw Godzilla's tail go up as the kaiju fully appeared and roared blasting a atomic blast into the sky.

   Every dragon saw this as Ember flew towards the area, "stranger who are you and why are you here!?" Godzilla roared as Ember looked in confusion until she realized that what he ment. "Your Godzilla.....the King of all............Monsters?", while Ember stared in shock as Godzilla roared.

    Little Godzilla roared as Godzilla looked down at him and nodded as Godzilla lifted him up like a mother cat and a kitten. The monster turned away and walked back to his cave while the baby roared. Ember sighed as she flew back to her nest as each dragon there all stared at them.

    "Did you see the size of that thing it's  bigger than the orginal dragon lord and it looks like it eats other dragons for breakfast." The 4 teenage dragons thought about how big he was as one stared to get scared, "If he stays around for along time he could actually take over the dragon lands and says he is the King Of All Monsters"

     One stared to smile, "maybe not, how about we take the baby to the Crystal Empire or Ponyville, than he will go there and destroy everything!" The dragons smiled as they all started to plan their evil plan.

 They flew towards the cave where Godzilla lived and saw the baby asleep as they picked him up and started to fly away. The Baby Godzilla woke up and saw he was in the cave anymore as he roared.

Godzilla opened his eyes hearing the call and roared loud enough so every dragon 3 miles away could hear it. He looked around his cave and noticed his son missing and leaving no footsteps he could follow. He sniffed the air and smelled him, as his eyes turned blue, he looked up and blasted a atomic blast into the sky.

    Godzilla started to walk into the dragon lands as he steps on sleeping dragons even killing some. Until a large dragon stood in his path, "Leave you've already done enough damage, leave or I'll make you." Godzilla growled as his spikes started to light up, the dragon stared in terror while Godzilla unleashed his most powerful weapon.

    All that remained of the dragon was its burnt wings as Godzilla roared in the flames. Each dragon saw this as they all bowed to the King as he roared in rage and headed for Equestria.

The Designs Of Theses Godzillas are the 2014 design because I couldn't think of anything else for it.

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