Father's Day (With Dust's kids and Demise suffering XD)

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Sprinkle:Hmm...I feel like I'm forgetting something...Like a special day...(He just woke up at 6 AM and doesn't know why, I just realize I made this cheesy ._.)

Fury:*Half-awake and mutters* It's father's day....

Sprinkle:Le wat now?

Fury:*Mutters* Father's day...

Sprinkle:Oh, ok ^^ *Realizes what he means* HOLY- GET YO NON-EXISTING ASS UP!

Fury:SHHHHH! Your gonna wake the others up!

Sprinkle:*runs to the kitchen, grabs the pans, and runs up to get the others up*


Everyone (But his dad and mom maybe? are still asleep XD):OK! OK! WHERE UP! >:V

Sprinkle:WE HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT MISSION TODAY.......Father's day....

Everyone:*runs downstairs and grabs a lot of breakfast stuff* SCREEEEEEEEEEEE-


Kuro:Or mom!

Sprinkle:Or/and that too -_-

*Le time skip bought you by the Taipan x Demise fandom XD Jk,jk please don't hurt meh*

Sprinkle:WE FINISHED...

What the breakfast looks like:

What the breakfast looks like:

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Taipan:I wanna eat it...

Ben:Me too...

Tyler:Taipan and Ben nu! >:v

Ben and Taipan:Aw... ;-;

Sprinkle:It's like....7:45, Let's just wake dad up (OR MOM- Kuro)

Fury:How should we do it? :v

Sprinkle:Like this....*Kicks the door down of Dust's room* WAKEY WAKEY! EGGS AND BAKEY! >:V


Taipan:*Wheezes and falls down the stairs* (Welp, R.I.P Taipan alright....| Taipan:I LIVE!! >:V)

Demise: . . You ok?


Demise:Yes, yes it is...

Taipan:SCREW YOU!! >:V

Demise:Kay :P


Fury:SCREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! *Gives Dust da breakfast-*

Dust:Wait....Is it Father's day? ._.

Sprinkle:Yes, yes it is Father's day :P

Dust: . . .I was thinking about...I dunno, kill today...Wanna join?

Everyone (But Ben and Tyler):YES!!!

Ben:We'll just watch T.V :3

Tyler:Yep. :3

(And now for Demise to suffer >:) )

Honor:So why'd you bring me here?

Taipan:to get revenge on Demise..

Honor:Why? What did he do?

Taipan:He didn't even bother to help meh when I fell down the stairs >:V

Honor:Ohhh, so what were doing?

Taipan:*Grabs pastel paints* We paint him pastel.... >:)

Honor:Oooooh! :O

Taipan:So...Let's go to me and his room >:P

Honor:You guys share a room?


Honor:What do you do to him?

Taipan:Annoying him as he tolerates me :V

Honor:Cool...So how do we get him?

Taipan:Well....I've been thinking grabbing his stuff,painting them pastel, pour the whole pastel paints on him while he's asleep or kinda, I dunno...Y'know that prank were you put the water on top of the door and wait for someone to open the door and get wet by the bucket of water?

Honor:I know that prank :O But let's just do it in his sleep XD


*A little time skip :3*

Taipan:*Whispers* He's asleep already! >:3

Honor:Let's get ready....

*After they painted his things pastel*

Honor:Now for the big finale...


Taipan and Honor:*pours the whole pastel paints on Demise*

Demise:*Wakes up* WHAT THE-


Honor:*jumps out the window* YEET!

Taipan:SCREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! *runs out the door and outside*

Demise:*Runs after him* I'M GONNA KILL YOU! >:V



R.I.P Honor and Taipan XD If you don't know who Honor is...He's the child of Horror and Geno :P (Basically Demise and Afterdeath children's half brother) But um, yeah XD Happy Father's day though :D I hoped you had a great time with your dads (Or family member/guardian ;w;) I thought about making a Father's day with Sprinkle going crazy about Father's day and wakes everyone up just to make the perfect breakfast for Dust x'D Poor Taipan though he falls down the stairs and gets chased by his brother Demise (lol I'll probably be Taipan if I pranked someone with pastel XD) 

Hoped you enjoy this chapter :3 Have a great day with your dad or mom or anybody that's taking great care of you! ^w^

See ya! :3

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