Chapter.6 | Teasing

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"You ugly bitch!" I shout furiously at him.

I bite my tongue right after. That's not the smartest thing to say to someone who's bigger and stronger than you, and have kidnapped you.

The guy gives me an unexpected reaction. Instead of cursing back or beating my ass, the guy throws his head back and laughs in an evil way. Makes me think he would be perfect for the joker role.
After a good laugh, he sits up straight and slowly nods his head in disbelief.

"We both know that's not very accurate, darling." He says and slowly brushes his fingers through his  brownish soft hair, while moaning like a puppy.

This guy is feeling himself a little too much. Someone really need to show him his place.

"No for real, you're the ugliest guy I've ever met. Far worse than the stoners in this city." I say and hope he won't kill me. The guy seems a little offended and stands up from the couch.

The left side of his faint red lip tugs upwards creating a sinister smirk on his god like face; casting a spell of lust to eyes that dare look his way.
He comes closer and I can feel my heart trying to escape from my body. I have no reason to be scared, he doesn't even look mad.

He stands just inches away from my chair, lifts my face with one finger and looks down at me.
"What?" I ask trying to sound unbothered and cool, but failed miserably. I couldn't even hold eye contact with him.

He grabs my tied arms and pulls me up from the chair. I frown and look at him, waiting for an explanation.
Fuck, I regret insulting him. What is he gonna do now?

Unexpectedly, his hand drifts to my hip. It's settled there and he pulls me closer. I inhale sharply. I am against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection. Must he be so perfect? I splayed my hand against it, intending to push him away, but instead I just left it there.

He pulls me a little back so we're facing each other. Our faces are just a few millimeter apart.
He's deadly good looking.

I can feel his breath against my trembling skin, and it's almost like his eyes are trying to read my mind. My heart is THROBBING in my ears, loud.

He leans even closer, and if one of us moves even a little closer now, we'll be kissing. I really don't know how to act in front of pretty people, and I fear I might collapse any time soon. His breathing quickens as did mine. His head is angled slightly to the side as his lips comes closer and closer to mine. I urge myself to push away, but can't. My limp body begins to tremble uncontrollably. I'm surprised to find my own lips parted. Our breaths mingle, and my heart flutters inside my chest.
What's happening?!
I close my eyes, and something inside of me wants to slam my lips on his attractive lips quickly. I want him to hold me tight and kiss me hard.
Finally his lips brush mine. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. But he doesn't kiss me. Fuck. He pulls back and looks at me with a wide grin.

"Am I ugly still?" His deep voice causing goosebumps to form on my arms.

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