Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"The Dread Doctors by T.R. McCammon." Lydia reads the book Malia had found as we walked through the doorways to get to our lockers.

The Dread Doctors; aka the three mystery men that Malia keeps talking about.

Lydia cocks her head at the book, slowing down. "What?" Malia asked.

She then continued to walk. "I don't know. There's something about it. Has anyone actually read it yet?"

"Just me," Malia informs her. "And I didn't understand any of it."

"We should probably all read it," Lydia suggested.

"Kira's working on that," Malia said and then explained how she's making photocopies of this book at the school library.

As we approach Malia's locker Lydia turns around the book to read the plot. "Stiles says he can't find anything on the author. He thinks it's a pen name." Malia explained, she beings to take things out of her locker.

"In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive." Lydia reads the plot. Well, that sounds all too familiar. "Days later they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order of parascientists known as only as of the Dread Doctors."

"Sounds vaguely familiar." I recall. "How does it end?"

"It doesn't." Malia stated. "This is suppose to be volume one."

"Oh, let me guess, there is no volume two?" Lydia pressed her lips together.

"I think we're living volume two," my eyes widen at Malia's word. Oh dear lord.

"Then maybe the real question is..." Lydia trailed off a bit, then came back. "Is this a novel or someone's prediction?"

\ - \

I watched as Stilinski crossed out Tracy on his board as I sit in his office with Stiles and Malia.

"Chimeras." Stilinski repeated.

"Two dead Chimeras." Stiles added in.

"And eight new ones." Supposedly, Clarke had gotten a call from the school that there were eight new holes which we figured would be eight new Chimeras.

"So, that's 10 in all." Stiles added together.

"I'm thinking maybe 11." Stilinski had put another picture up; a picture of Donovan, Stiles and I made brief eye contact. I pressed my lips together trying to calm my heart knowing Malia could hear it. "Our station tech guys confirmed something for me.... They said, both holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunction because of something electromagnetic."

The Dread Doctors.

Stilinski continued and picked up the book on his desk. "You said, that uh, these guys..."

"Dead Doctors." Malia adds in and I grimaced.

"Are we really calling them that?" I questioned; I didn't like the name at all.

"So they broke Donovan out?" Malia figures.

"It's how they got into Eichen, isn't it?" Yesterday, Scott, Malia, Kira, and Lydia all went to a trip to the Eichen house to visit Dr. Valack considering this book was written by him.

Then, the Dread Doctor had invaded the Eichen house. They forbid me to go so I went to sleep that night.

Malia stares at Donovan's picture then walked towards it. "Donovan's a Chimera." She stated.

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