Letter for Forgiveness

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Hi reader 👋🏻

Someone told me to publish some of my poems here, and...
Honestly, I always have this kind of mindset where people would be laughing at my work and calling it a trash.
Obviously, i am not a good writer and yeah i do not even have the basic skills of writing.
Silly me for even trying. Haha.

Butttt because of the encouragements that i received so dearly, thank you so much 😘
It helped to reduce my insecurities and
boosted my confidence to publish my writings in a way that I need to stop thinking negatively about this whole thing.

So yeah...

Sorry for any grammar mistakes,
Or perhaps you think some of it might be ridiculous,
I'm not a good writer nor that i ever claimed myself to be a good poet too.

And please, do leave some of your opinions on them.

Just a girl who wants to improve herself .
Rebuke? Go ahead. Your criticism will always be a way for me to better myself.


Thank you so much for keeping up till here 😘

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