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I remember the moment where people hated me for being an asshole.

For not having the feeling of wanting to care about others.

When the Truth is
you just can't feel anything anymore.
not because you're selfless or heartless


Because you were taught not to express what you feel and just keep everything to yourself to the point that you just don't care about yourself anymore.

Saying things bluntly to people like it won't hurt them because you were always treated that way.

So it became a habit.


But people can treat you anyhow they want.
Because they thought
you're the heartless kid that would not even flinch a bit to what people say.
so they can say anything they want.

so you just remained as you.

silently picking all the broken pieces that people can't hear and putting it back together
acting like you didn't hear anything.

that's how life goes
circling the same routine till you feel suffocated and just want to end everything.



no, not sometimes


most of the time

life is just unfair.


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