
153 10 8

So often you let yourself,
Stuck in the limitations that are created,
By the fear that you put to yourself
Being hunted, sacred and feeling jaded

In a way, you blamed yourself,
For not taking the risks,
For not wanting to grow stronger,
Figuring the complexities

This lingering motion, in your mind,
Telling you things you can't define.


Why is it so difficult?
To understand?
To let go?

These fears are overpowering you,
And what's over left to see?
When you're grounded on both of your knees,
Trying to reach and trying to please.

Because They're always there,
Stalking and drowning you,
Wanting you to understand them,
For when you do,
They no longer have power over you.

And you're finally letting it go,
Expressing it to someone else,
Slowly following the flow,
Until it melts.


Special request by :AllyAmanda2201

Sorry for the late respond ☺️

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