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"Athena, let us speak in a sophisticated manner. You should not come straight up to me and allege me of something."

Ignoring her father's words, the princess stomped up to the throne. "Have you seen the state Casper is in? What have you said to trouble him?"

Arthur closed his eyes before his daughter could see the tears forming in his eyes. He was mortified of what he had said to the prince and desired to reverse the damage. The expression on Caspian's face when the king mentioned his mother was enough to run away himself. But it was impossible to do so, as he ruled the land and he couldn't seem like a coward for running away from his own son. Arthur already had a character for letting unwanted strangers into the castle, resulting in the queen's death. If he added the terminal disease he was suffering from, it seemed the king's heart had been torn and broken far too many times for reparation.

He didn't need to add another problem to his ever-growing list.

The voice of Athena woke him up to reality. "Please Father, just help Caspian. He's concerned, he's fearful. He's terrified of gaining the throne, it's a daunting job to undertake, and he needs your support, not your fury."

Arthur thought uncomfortably. He knew of the wrongdoing he had done, the unhappiness he had presented to many of his subjects, which he had instantly regretted the moment he said it. However he never seemed to learn from his mistakes.

At that point, Wensly had entered the throne room. It seemed he had important information to explain, however as soon as he threw open the doors, he was met with the steely glare of the princess, and the shocked expression on Arthur's face. He knew it was the right decision to exit cautiously. If looks could kill, Wensly would be long dead.

Slowly but surely, he closed the doors, and Athena tossed her head to frown back at her father, who observed tensely.

"I apologise. I feel remorse over my failures as a king... and as a father. I will try harder."

His daughter gave him a rigid look, but Arthur suspected there was a hint of pity in her eyes.

"Is it really me you should be apologising to?"


His footsteps echoed across the hardened pavement of the road where he could hear the bustle of his people and the hooves of the horses leading carts. His annoyance and frustration pent up at his father had fueled his determination, quickening his pace. Wearing a cloak, he hid his blonde, brown hair under a hood. As the prince, he was to have the royal guard escort him out of the palace, however he was in no mood for bringing attention to himself.

He searched the village for something - anything - to take his mind off his predicaments. Unlucky for him, he found nothing to avail himself with. Slightly crestfallen, Caspian kept his eyes down to the ground as the people around him walked past briskly, with not a slight glance of suspicion on the young prince.

He rounded the corner of a baker's cottage, unsure of what to do now that he had exited his safe haven with no protection. However he kept walking with no intention. There was no reason for Caspian to stay any longer outside his castle, but he didn't want to face his father's temper.

Not looking properly at what was in front of him, Caspian collided roughly with another figure wrapped in a cloak, assuming a similar stance to the prince: covering their hair with the hood, averting their eyes. He had to assume that this stranger in front of him was hiding from others.

Caspian reached his hand out to the figure in front of him, trying to take a look at them. "I apologise for bumping into you," The individual whispered something inaudible. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

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