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He paced the hallway after hearing the dreadful news that came his way about 5 minutes ago. He was unsure whether to go through the doors or not, as he was quite nervous of seeing his sister – the strongest person he knew of – in such a susceptible state. His livid expression had caused the people to back away from him, as they knew of the prince's atrocious temper. "Where is she? What happened to my sister?" Caspian bellowed at the nearest medic.

"We're not sure, your Highness. She seems to be in a sort of sleep." The person responded. Caspian closed his eyes, not wanting to remember the purpose that Athena was now in the infirmary. He had pushed her away by yelling at her. Accused her of keeping secrets. Why was he like this? Why did he keep pushing people away? People who cared about his wellbeing.

Aethulu seemed shaken up. It was told that both her and Athena were in the room, however when someone had arrived, all that was seen was both princesses on the floor. Aethulu had blood on her borrowed gown, yet she had no recollection of her ever bleeding, or any blood in the room at all – which left no room to debate that she was the cause of Athena's state.

Overcome with guilt, sorrow and anger, Caspian left the infirmary with Aethulu. He was unable to see his sister, it was too painful for him to face the fact that it was his fault. All of his fault.

Instead of wallowing in self – pity, he ushered Aethulu out of the room, intent on keeping himself and her out of the room that now held their responsibility. "Come, princess. Let me take you away from this place." She obliged, taking his hand and walking with him.

"I'm sorry, Caspian. I don't even remember what happened there." Aethulu said, tears squeezing out of her eyes. She felt herself at fault, as she was unable to reminisce anything of the event that had transpired just a few moments ago.

Now, the event had seemingly pushed the young princess too far. She did the only sane thing possible: she closed her eyes and blacked out.


Arthur had not wanted to see Athena when it was told she was in the infirmary, in some sort of comatose state. It reminded him of the queen, when she lay dead on the floor of her room, in front of their three-year-old son. It was too much for him to bear.

Many people entered the throne room, updating the king on his daughter's condition, leaving him to always ask the same question: 'Why?' to which several replied that they don't know.

It seemed his life was unravelling before his eyes. Before his death.


Pacing the rooftop, she held her fists in a tight knot as she stared out into the distance.

"Princess, you must do it tonight. Now, before he dies – or you won't get what you desire! " a voice hissed through the wind. She paid no heed, as she was lost in her own thoughts. It was difficult to understand the prince. Something else had surfaced up when she had provoked Caspian. It was something she didn't understand much. She didn't know what it was. What it would do. But she asked herself why, so many times. She knew the consequences of it. If anybody found out. "What are you doing, princess?"

She panicked, but held a calm figure. If nothing was to suspect, nothing would be said. "Nothing, my lady. I was just contemplating..."


"What about my double? How do I destroy her? What is the spell?"

"I will give you the spell when we get to that point."

"Yes, Lady Lillith." And with that, the mysterious voice faded out into the breeze.

She was relieved for the silence. It was hard to keep a different figure in front of the goddesses. Before she had arrived into the town, she had every intention of murdering the royals. Now – not so much.

Not at all did she understand the feeling that grew inside of her. It was something she had not experienced much. To know that it was there, was more unbearable. Every second that passed was like agony inside of her.

One question, she asked herself, every time it surfaced to her thoughts. One sentence, which if she spoke aloud to herself – or to anybody – would ruin everything. One thing she thought, the only thing she questioned herself about. She knew it was impossible on so many different levels, to feel it.

Why do I have feelings for the prince?


There was only one being she could trust to answer her question. With all her power and sanity, she forced her hand into the wind. It disappeared instantly. Feeling for her, she felt a hard tug, and pulled hard. Materializing in front of the princess, was a ghost. She appeared to each human, with whoever they desire most. To her shock, the goddess appeared of Prince Caspian, confirming her thoughts of the feelings. But it did not please the princess to see it, although it may have been the truth, justice was meant to be served.

"What have you summoned me for?" it was Caspian's voice, however Andria knew things are not always as they seem.

"What have you done to me?" Her voice was like a pit of hissing snakes, fuelled by her anger towards the goddess, and to all who had wronged her.

The ghost looked calmly at the young woman. "I made you see reason, my dear. I love twists and turns in a love story."

"Remove the spell you cast on me immediately! I command you, goddess of love."

She sighed. "Princess, I am a ghost. It was not I, who cast the love spell on you. Either my sister Aine has done so, or these feelings you possess for Prince Caspian are genuine."

"But i-it's impossible!" For once – in what almost felt like an eternity for herself and the whole world, Andria's voice was unsteady. She was fearful.

"Yes, yes it is. But that's quite the beauty of it, my dear."

"Begone!" With a wave of her hand, the goddess dissolved into white vapour.

Confusion, anger, fear, were the few of so many emotions that flew in her head. She couldn't understand why, why did this happen? She knew she hated him.

Andria was in disbelief, when Branwen had explained. It was hard to imagine or believe that such a thing was imaginable. There were so many impossible reasons not to feel the way she was, but she was forced to keep it all a secret, for if it were to be known, her patrons would immediately kill her. There was no consorting with the enemy, the first rule you learnt when you became an assassin. Everything was to be done quickly and clean. No complications.


"Are you okay, Aethulu?" Caspian asked, leaning down to check the girl who had fainted a while earlier. They were in one of many guest bedchambers. He had laid her down on the bed and watched over her, but when Aethulu showed signs of waking, he immediately sat next to her.

"Yes, I-I'm fine," she replied, her head still quite dizzy and woozy from pain. She had a nasty gash on the back of her head. As she sat up, a wave of nausea filled her. She touched her head, only to come back with her fingers sticky with red blood.

"You fell when you fell unconscious," explained Caspian. He now looked at her with a hint of what she suspected to be affection. There was instant silence as the two sat staring at each other. Aethulu never knew the wonders of the beautiful cocoa-brown eyes Caspian possessed.

In an instant, their faces were close together, so close that Aethulu could smell the prince's breath. Neither pulled away, neither was shy, as their lips touched.

It was a sensation that she had never felt before, her senses were on fire as the prince pulled her into his arms. He leaned over and tucked his hand into her hair. With the weight of the two, they collapsed onto the bed. The princess felt joy, but also a nagging feeling that this wasn't supposed to happen.

Caspian pulled away. "Are you...okay?" Aethulu looked away in shame as her cheeks turned red in embarrassment. She pulled herself off the bed and raced out of the room, leaving the crestfallen prince alone to regret his choices.

An agonizing pain caused him to cradle his head in his hands. He let loose a scream, closing his eyes. Blood trickled out of his ear, and he started convulsing in pain, before it all came to a stop. When he opened his eyes, he possessed an emotionless expression. Abruptly, he stood up from the bed and exited the room without so much of a word.

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