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"We, the people of Miradowin, accept Aethulu Raviel to rule our kingdom in good will. To lead us in times of dark. To reside over us as our Queen."

These words were repeated by every subject of the kingdom. Every man, woman and child were forced to accept the Shadow Princess, as their Queen, as their leader, as their Benevolence.

"Does anyone have just cause why this woman shall not rule?"

Almost every single pair of eyes in the church stared at the lady who killed her way to the throne. Every single person did not want to be resided by an immortal assassin, but they were too afraid to speak up, to fight against the most notorious villain of all time. It was like a suicide mission.

Which is why the churchful of people stayed absolutely silent.

And never again did they speak ill of their Queen.


And that's it, the completed story of Mea Culpa! I hope you all enjoyed this story, I certainly enjoyed writing it! Whether or not I am inspired by this book, I will think about writing a sequel.

Thank you all for reading, and sticking with me.


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