Chapter 4

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Back by popular demand, and because I finally have time to finish this chapter, I present you with Chapter 4! 

Athena's POV

I woke to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. I rolled over to see Poseidon not in bed and sat up to see where he is. He wasn't in the room and I couldn't hear him in the bathroom, so I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen, to see him, back to me at the stove, shirtless. I lean against the doorway to just gaze at him. "You know it's rude to stare, right?" Poseidon asks. "I wasn't staring, I was simply admiring." I told as I headed to the island to sit down. "Sure you were." He said with a smirk, before putting the food he was making onto 2 plates. He sat one of them in front of me and set his in the spot next to me before grabbing us forks and a glass of orange juice before sitting next to me and began eating the eggs. 

After breakfast we had changed and got ready to leave, separately of course. "So what is the plan for today?" Poseidon asks. "Well I was going to go hang out with Aphrodite and Artemis. We planned on having a girls day, which means movies, gossip, and a whole bunch of other girly things, maybe even have a sleepover." I told him. "Well that sounds fun." He said. "It will be. Now what are your plans?" I question as I finish putting in my earrings. "Well I was going to go hang out with my brother, maybe include Hercules if he's not busy." He replied. "Well I hope you have fun, and I will see you tomorrow." I tell him as I give him a quick peck on the lips. "I'm going to go head out, and I hope you have a nice day and I will see you tomorrow, meet at my place." He said before giving me another kiss and leaving. 

Later on I was in Aphrodite's home, with Artemis, and we were making some snacks for later while gossiping. "So Dite, anyone ask you to the ball?" Artemis asks. "Well of course, at least 3 men have asked me, including Zeus, again, I told them all no. I would rather go alone than with any of them, besides, they only asked me because I'm the Goddess of Beauty, and Zeus asked because he probably still has feelings for me, which I don't reciprocate." Aphrodite explained. "Of course he still has feelings, most of the time if the girl breaks up with the guy, the guy still pines after the girl trying to get her to feel the same way as him." I tell them. "I honestly don't understand why he made the rule that we aren't allowed to date other Gods or Goddesses, just because you guys didn't work out, I mean, I may be a virgin for my whole life, but even I wouldn't mind dating one of the Gods." Artemis says. "And who might you want to date if you wanted to?" I questioned. "Eros." She blushed. Dite and I squealed. "But he is your opposite!" Dite exclaims. "Well that may be so, but isn't the saying 'opposites attract'? Besides, it's not like I would date him anyway, plus he is your son Dite." Artemis says as she refilled her glass of wine. "I don't care if he is my son or not, because even if you will be a virgin for life, you can still date if you wanted to, not everyone has to have sex in a relationship." Dite told her before getting up to go to the kitchen. "It's true, I've been in a relationship where we never had sex." I told them. "Really? I find that hard to believe, I've seen all your boyfriends, you've told me about all of them, including if you got some." Dite said as she came back from the kitchen with a bowl of chips. "Well, that's because I'm in a new relationship now." I reply as I stand up. "Who?!" Dite and Artemis exclaimed. "Well, I don't think I can say." I tell as I start to back up. "Tell us!" They yell as they start to walk to me. I turn and run out the door and sprint to my home, them following. 

Once I reached my house I quickly unlocked the door, I had lost the girls in the shopping center, and opened it before shutting it and locking the door. I then made sure all the windows were locked as well as the back door, happily they all were. I also don't have a spare key hidden anywhere outside, or at least anywhere obvious enough for them to find it (it's hidden under a few loose bricks on the side of my porch, but only I know they're loose) and neither of them have a key either, so I'm safe, but just to be extra careful I keep only one light on in the kitchen, which I leave on all the time. I make my way to my room and shut and lock the door, extra cautious I know but hey, they will probably kill me when they find me, or at least hold me own with one or both of them on me, which isn't fun. I go to my bathroom and run some water for a bath, adding a floral scented bath bomb and some bubbles. I put some music on low and turn off the water once it's full enough, before I unlock my bedroom door and make my way to the kitchen to grab something to drink. Before I can even make it to the fridge there's a knock on the door. I cautiously make my way to the door, all my curtains are shut, I peep through the peephole to see Poseidon before I quickly unlock the door and pull him in. Once he's inside I shut the door again and lock it, including the deadbolt. "Woah, why did you do that?" Poseidon asks. "I may have told the girls I am dating someone and then ran away with them chasing me and I don't want them knowing it's you, unless you want me to tell them, and I also don't want them knowing I'm here so I pulled you in as quick as I could." I rambled. He chuckled before giving me a peck on the cheek, "You can tell them if you want, I don't really care, even if us being together is forbidden." I smiled and kissed him, "I was just about to take a bath, wanna join?" He smirked and nodded before I lead him to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and 2 glasses before we went back to my room, shutting and locking the door behind us. "I'll get in once you're in and have your eyes covered." I told him. He nodded and went to the bathroom, I opened the bottle, and poured a glass. "Okay you can come in now." He said. I went in and saw his eyes covered. I undressed quickly before sinking into the tub, the bubbles covering me. Now I know what you're thinking, 'Athena you guys haven't had sex and yet you're bathing together?!' well let me tell you, we do this all the time, we are waiting for the right time, which we both agreed on, and my bathtub is freaking huge and big enough for like 4 people and pretty deep too. Once he knew I was in the tub he uncovered his eyes and smiled at me. I handed him a glass of wine before picking up mine and we took a sip. "So how was your day, you know, besides running from Aphrodite and Artemis?" He asked. "It was good, and yours?" I question. "It was kind of boring. Zeus was whining about how he misses Aphrodite, Hercules was there for like an hour before he left to go woo some girl into going to the ball with him, and I left like 20 minutes ago because I saw you running in the shopping center and I wanted to see if you were okay." He replied. "Well I hope it gets better." I tell him. "It got better as soon as you pulled me in the house." He said. I blushed and took another sip of wine. We then sat there talking until the water got cold.

After we got out of the bath and dressed Seidon and I went to the kitchen and made dinner, which was pasta with tomato sauce, sausage, parmesan, and basil, then went back to my room and watched movies. The doorbell rang about halfway through the third movie, we were watching Harry Potter, so I got up to answer it, with much protest from Seidon. I looked through the peephole, and there stood Aphrodite and Artemis, hands on their hips. I cautiously opened the door and as soon as I did I was tackled to the ground. "Tell us who you're dating!" Aphrodite yelled as Artemis held me down. "Okay, I'll tell you, but can you get off me first?" I ask. They share a look before they get off me, and help me up. I dust myself off, "You guys have to promise not to tell anyone." I tell them as I shut my door. They both nod so I hold up my finger and go upstairs to get Poseidon. "Who is it?" He asks. "The girls, can you come down with me? I'm going to tell them." I tell him. He nods and grabs my hand as we make our way down the stairs toward the living room where the girls are. I stop him before he gets into the girls view and turn to them, "Now he's here, but I need you both to try not to be loud and alert the neighborhood." They nod and I motion for Poseidon to come out. As soon as they see his face their eyes widen and mouths drop open. "HIM?!" They scream. I face palm.



HI! I know it was a short chapter, but honestly I got like really busy or just didn't really have the energy to do much of anything (freaking depression sucks) so this as long as we're gonna get here. I will do my absolute best to update before 2020, but I won't make any promises since a lot of family has been visiting and my depression sometimes decides that I'm just going to lay in bed all day and not do anything but maybe read something, if even. 

Anyone else love the Beetlejuice Musical album? I honestly love it and think it should be a year round musical. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I will do my best to update asap, but honestly no promises. 

Love you guys! Thanks for sticking around for so long on this story that I started my sophomore year in high school, I'm now a freshman in college, and I took a year off, so basically thanks for sticking around these 3 years, really appreciate it, especially the patience of this being only chapter 4, after like 3 years of this being published. I apologize for that by the way.

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