chapter 72

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I stood at the edge of the room, out of the way, and watched as the Athena and Apollo kids crowded around Jason.

Some of the Athena kids were connecting tubes and wires into Jason, which transported different liquids and medicines into his body. Others were looking at diagrams of his brain, and using scientific language that I didn't understand.

The Apollo kids kept repeating chants and using different healing remedies.

I watched closely as Will Solace pressed both hands to Jason's temples, and started muttering under his breath. "Do they know when he's going to be woken up?" I turned my head to see Nico standing at my shoulder. He looked better now, than he did when Percy had brought him back. He'd got back some colour, and didn't look as weak.

I considered snapping at him, but changed my mind. I didn't have the energy, and he didn't deserve all the cruelness that I had shown him. "Today, hopefully." I replied, looking back at my boyfriend who was sleeping peacefully.

They sedated him two days ago, and he's been out cold since, while they worked on him. He should be waking up, fully healed, this evening. "You know," Nico said, more quietly. "I'm sorry, for what I did to him." I looked into his eyes and it reminded me of how angry I am at him.

But I had to let that go. "I know you are," I sighed. "I know that now." His face brightened a little. "So does that mean that we're good?" He pushed.

I ran my hand through my hair before replying. "I don't know Nico. But I'm sorry too, for how I treated you." He nodded but he looked deflated. "Do you think you'll ever forgive me?" A tear dropped off my cheek and I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly. He looked startled, but didn't pull away until I let him go.

I gave him a small smile. "All I can say is that I'll try." He returned the smile, and squeezed my arm. "Thank you Piper. That's all I ask."

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