2 | Abandon

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


You were tired and it was clearly evident in the way you walked. With haphazard steps down the rather empty street, you glanced over to the few people you had met up with along the way. They were a couple and you had stumbled across them in the apartment the other day, you were looking for water and possibly a place to stay for that night. The man had held out a gun to your head, but once he realized you were living, he quickly dropped it and told his wife to come out. They were nice, but nice people don't survive very long.

"Hon, look," The woman had stopped in her steps and adjusted the backpack on her back and pointed out a seemingly empty store. However, upon further inspection, you noted a few items resting idly on the shelves inside. Her husband stopped in his steps and walked over to the storefront, his hand rising above his eyes to get the sun out and just so he could see better inside. He shook his head, but once he looked back over to his wife, he sighed, "I guess we should take a look, but we shouldn't be in there long. It's dark." His wife silently cheered, her fist pumping into the air as a confident smile played at her lips. How can she be so calm in this situation?

With a shake of your head, you followed after the two inside the silent building. It had nearly been a week since the start of this Hell on Earth, it had nearly been a week since you had to worry about normal things. Like your math homework, you weren't going to do it anyway, but still. The thoughts of the school hung heavily in your head, what if it's because I didn't do my homework that this is happening? You couldn't help but shake your head to rid of the stupid thought. It seems that, regardless if you had done your homework or not, this was bound to happen.

"It's too dark in here," You mumbled out in slight protest, "I think we should leave. It's too dangerous." Barely taking look over to the other woman, you noted she had shaken her head, "We need more supplies." You could barely hear her quiet voice as she continued to push around empty boxes here and there. A loud creaking sound broke out in the room, and upon snapping your head in that direction, you noticed it was just the husband pushing up a toppled over shelf, "Sorry!" He whispered out, slightly in a normal voice. You stood still for some moments, just waiting for something to leap out of the darkness because of the noise, but nothing came. Relaxing slightly, you bent down and started to push things around on the floor to see if there was anything of use. Or anything to eat, you thought.

Seemingly, there was no longer anything of use in the turned over store. It had obviously been ransacked long before the three of you arrived, but you couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Some part of you had hope that there might be something, anything, of use to you, but of course, fate had other plans. A shriek had broken out behind you and you couldn't help but freeze up as your mind clouded with the memories of that day at school, when everything had started. Shaking the thoughts away quickly, you whipped around to see the wife beating one of those undead things away from her with the stick she had picked up a while back, her attempts obviously not working out in her favor. "No!" Her husband had screamed out, his body flying between the thing and his wife as he threw his arms out to protect her from the things gnashing teeth. Another scream broke out from the wife as the thing toppled over the husband, his gnarling mouth digging straight into the crook of his neck. A wet, ripping sound took over the sounds of the room as the husband coughed and choked on his own blood.

You stood there frozen, watching in horror as the thing continued to take bite after bite, the wet sticky mess of the man pooling all over the floor. The glistening crimson across the white tile broke you out of the horrid trance you were in, and you snapped back into reality once you realized the wife was pointlessly banging the stick against the monsters head. It held no reaction to her attempts for it was content with its meal on the ground, so you rushed over and grabbed her wrist, tugging and pulling her out of the store with a sprint. That tiredness you were feeling earlier? Gone. Adrenaline was now rushing through your veins as you rushed down the street with the whimpering woman behind you, a few monsters were clearly appearing around a few corners now due to the previous screams. You had to find a place to stop, a safe place to stay for the night, but nothing could be seen in your rushed sight.

Panic was rising in you as you took a sharp turn down a street, only to realize it was a dead end. There was a half wall in your way, but it was too tall to reach over to climb. Widening your eyes in fear, you turned around and look at the broken, petite woman crying behind you. Her eyes were puffy and obviously swollen, and her lips were formed into a permanent frown. "Hey, hey, hey. Listen, we have to get over this wall before we get cornered, do you understand?" You hurriedly spoke to the woman who seemingly nodded her head in dismay. "You go first," She managed to hiccup out as she crouched down slightly, just enough for you to get on her shoulders to climb over to the top of the wall. You did just that, and once you sat at the top, you turned around and saw the swarm of monsters shambling down the street. Swallowing hard, you looked back down to the woman and offered your hand, "Hurry!" You yelled out, only to notice she wasn't trying to move.

She just sat there, crying.

"Come on! Do you want to live?!" You screamed out to her, your E/C eyes glaring in confusion as you jutted your hand out for her to take one more time.

She shook her head and sat on the ground, balling herself up as she continued to sob.

You felt your stomach grow queasy as you noticed one of the things had gotten close enough to lunge itself towards the woman, its fingers clawing deep into her thigh as its teeth bored into her side. She let out a scream as she suddenly felt the thing seep its teeth deep into her, her eyes widening as she suddenly started to fight the thing away from her. You watched in horror as another toppled on top of her, its teeth ripping a bite off of her cheek. Quickly looking away, you jumped down the wall and off to the other side, your stomach queasy as you leaned over and puked out whatever you had eaten that day. Is this how your life was to be from here on out? Maybe I should give up too, you couldn't help but think, then I could be with my family again. Realizing what you just thought, you swiftly shook your head, no, not yet. There is still so much I want to do!

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