7 | Sleep Is For The Weak

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


You went back to your room after the meeting, though you stood in your doorway to watch everyone leave for their patrols before retreating inside. Some waved at you as they walked by, like Harry and Lawrence, Ethan nodded his head at you as he passed, and Sue offered a small smile. The rest seemed to ignore your presence, especially Scarlett, who seemed to follow Zion and Eugene to their patrol area. So she's not going to stay, you thought as you shut the door behind you. It had been a long day and everything was catching up to you again. You felt heavy and your legs were ready to give way any second now, so you laid yourself down on the blanket on the floor.

It didn't take you very long to pass out again, just this time, sleep wasn't as peaceful.


Flickering lights and silence surrounded you as you realized you were back at your school, the day it all had started flooded your mind and you swallowed hard. It was intensely quiet, the atmosphere was eery and dread hung heavily in the air as you started to take a few steps down the empty halls. The only sound now was the slight tapping of your feet as you tried to be as quiet as possible as you walked across the shiny tiles. Suddenly, all the lights went out and you froze. It was completely dark, but if you squinted, you could see the outlines of the lockers in the hallway. Your heart was thumping wildly in your chest and your breathing was now growing ragged, what is happening?!

A loud creaking sound emitted from one of the classrooms to your left, it was slow and eery and it sounded like metal crashing once the creaking reached the peak of its high pitched squeal. It reminded you of how that husband had saved his wife in the store, though now you realized his sacrifice was in vain for his wife ended up giving up. You didn't realize it, but you had slowly approached the room and gazed inside. There stood a tall male, his arms pressed against a metal shelf that must have fallen on top of him, and then silence ensued once again. You waited for him to do anything, turn around or even say something, but he didn't. He just stood there, his body facing away from you.

Your hand had grasped the knob of the door and twisted it, the grinding sound of the door opening sounded louder only because it was so quiet. You had expected the man to turn around upon hearing you enter, but it was as if your presence didn't exist to him at the moment, but as you drew closer to the man, your hand extended out to tap him, you realized his head was twitching. What's wrong with him? You thought as you felt your hand flatly touch his back. Suddenly, he snapped around, his mouth emitting a snarl as his gnashing lips and teeth opened and closed as they reached for your hand like a rabid dog. His skin was an awful gray color and his eyes were red, some parts of his body hung loosely as the muscles and tendons seemed to pull out of the sockets of his joints, and black ooze dripped from the open wounds. A sight you'd never forget.

A scream bubbled up in your throat as you froze in the place.

It lunged at you and tackled you to the floor.

You opened your lips to yell, but no sound came out as you struggled against the monster.

And then you were gasping for breath as you woke from the nightmare, a cold sweat broke all across your body.


No longer being able to sleep, you sat in the windowsill of the room with a still racing heart. It had felt so real, the way the monster fell on top of you, you could still feel its weight heavily on your body. A shudder ran down your spine as you quickly shook the thoughts away, there was no way you were going to be able to go back to sleep. As you continued to sit there, you grew restless and stood up, there had to be something you could do around here. Slowly, you made your way out of your room and looked up and down the hallway. It was still nighttime and everyone seemed to be back in their rooms, but maybe you could use this as a chance to get to know the area.

It probably wasn't the best idea, but you could no longer sit still. If you sat around any longer, the dream would've gotten to you at some point and you might've broken down for the first time since this had all started. You still refused to allow yourself to cry, because once you did, this would all suddenly seem all too real, and you weren't ready to accept that yet. You still had hope and you weren't ready to give up. You still dreamed of a better future.

As you walked down the hall you could feel your body relax a little. You had decided to stay on the same floor as everyone else's rooms, just in case something was to actually happen. The thought of having other people nearby helped you calm down from your dream, and you couldn't help but think that you were really growing to like staying here. "Can't sleep?" A soft voice asked near you which caused you to jump in shock. Turning to see who it was, you met eyes with golden ones, almost in a cat-like stare, "You look like a mess." Zion walked next to you and looked out the window you had been preoccupied with a second ago, but now your full attention was on the red-head that stood beside you.

"I had a nightmare," You freely admitted. It wasn't shocking that a person in a situation like this was to have one, but that didn't mean it didn't bother you any less. Zion nodded his head as he closed his eyes slowly, "I did, too." He admitted as well. You shot him a glance as you turned to look back outside, you didn't ask what it was about, you just assumed it was something similar to your own. "What's your story?" Zion asked as his eyes opened, his golden eyes now back on you as you inhale through your nose slowly. "I was at school when it started," Your lips formed into a line as you remembered the moment and your dream, "and then, later on, I met up with a couple and stayed with them for a few days."

Zion's eyebrows cocked into one of questioning as he looked you over, "You weren't with anyone when we found you though?" You nodded your head, swallowing hard, "They died the day before we met." You recalled the blood and gore you witnessed and felt your stomach grow queasy. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked," Zion slightly whispered out. In truth, you were more surprised that the two of you were having such a mature conversation. The boy seemed more like the type to joke around, but to be able to talk to someone about everything that had happened to you, helped you mentally. It was a relief to let some of the pressure go.

The two of you managed to chat quietly for some of the night, up until the sun started to rise over the horizon. Zion was actually very comforting to talk to, and his presence brought assurance that everything was going to be just fine. He's a protector, you realized as a small smile played at your lips, I'm glad we met.

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