6 | Thankful

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


"I'll stay in Hailey's room from now on so you can have a room to yourself," Sue had explained as the two of you walked out of the classroom. You looked over at her slightly shocked and shook your head, "I couldn't do that!" You opened your mouth again to argue, but her small hand held up into the air and a small, confident smile played at her lips. "It's fine, I promise. Plus, this gives me and Hailey a chance to be together more often," Sue explained as her cheeks slightly flushed. Oh, they're dating! You suddenly realized, your own face heating up at the realization of the situation. "Of course, so then it's no problem?" You asked, just to make sure. Sue nodded her head and walked into her now previous room. Glancing around, you noted that it was just another classroom that had been turned into a bedroom like area. "The blankets new, so don't worry," Sue stood in the doorway as you walked in, your eyes scanned the small area.

Turning around, you offered the small girl a smile and a nod, "Thank you." She shook her head as she dismissed your thanks, "Nothing to say thank you for, I'm just glad you're staying." Sue walked away after closing your door, her quiet steps could be slightly heard as she walked over to the room next door. How cute, you thought, Hailey and Sue. This time, since you were alone, you walked around your room and looked through all the nooks and drawers inside. For the most part, excluding the desks that littered the corners of the room, it was empty. "They probably got everything of use out of here anyway," You pondered out-loud, your fingers prodding underneath your chin.

Time passed and you stayed in your room. It was quiet and peaceful, the window on the back wall provided some entertainment as you looked outside and felt calm for the first time in a long time. The world was still, nothing outside was changing, and it was surreal to see. You didn't realize, but you leaned yourself against the windowsill and drifted off, your aching body and clouded mind finally caught up to your current weak state.


"Y/N, you awake?" You blinked your eyes open in a slow fashion. Everything hurt, but you had finally gotten some more sleep and you were thankful to have been in a safe place. "Yeah, what's up?" You groggily walked over to the door and opened it just a crack, your eyes finding brown eyes covered by rounded framed glasses. Lawrence looked at you curiously for a moment before smiling warmly, his eyes softening upon seeing your disheveled figure from sleep, "We're about to eat, you hungry?" He watched as your E/C eyes lit up from hearing the mentioning of food, man were you hungry. "Yes!" You nearly yelled out in excitement, but upon realizing what you said, you covered your mouth bashfully and looked away, "S-Sorry, It's just I haven't eaten in a while." Lawrence let out a hearty chuckled and shook his head, "It's okay, c'mon, let's get some food in you."

He guided you back down the hall, back to classroom 1-C, and showed you inside. Once entering, you immediately met gazes with a certain crimson eyed female, "Ugh." She mumbled out as she averted her gaze, her interest in whatever conversation she was once having with Zion was completely forgotten. You inhaled lightly through your nose and looked away from the girl, you held no emotions or opinions for Scarlett, she simply was just another person in your life and that was that. Why did she dislike you? You didn't know. "Here," You looked down to your right to see Ethan offering you a bun in a plastic package, his face still stoic as ever. A warm smile found your lips as you took the item gratefully, you couldn't help but to feel excited.

You sat beside Ethan and Harry was to his right, in the opposite corner from you, you could see Sue and Hailey talking quietly with one another with cute, shy smiles on their faces. Zion, Jay, Scarlett, and Eugene sat against the wall with the window and Lawrence sat to your left while Judy sat to his left, but no one was really saying much. You found yourself gazing down at the food in your hands as you slowly removed the bun from its plastic covering, you couldn't help but lick your lips as you slowly brought it up to your mouth. One bite in and you were in Heaven, "It's so good~!" You cooed to yourself quietly, your eyes shutting as you enjoyed the flavor of the sweet bun in your mouth. You heard Lawrence chuckle next to you and you couldn't help but flush in the cheeks.

Upon opening your eyes, you could see Ethan smiling over to you, his usually stoic face no longer seen. You glanced over to him and smiled back, your eyes sparkling as you continued to eat as slowly as you could. Once finished, you couldn't help but feel sad upon losing the food so quickly. It was just a single bun, you thought, and I should be grateful, which I am. You smiled slightly as you closed your eyes, you were content with what you just ate, and perhaps if you had eaten more you would've gotten sick. You haven't had a big meal in a long time, there would be no way your stomach could handle it.

"Alright, now that we're all here, I say we talk about patrols for tonight," Lawrence explained as he brushed some dust off of his pants as he stood up. "Y/N, since you're still going to need time to heal, I say you sit tonight and tomorrow morning out. Get some rest," Lawrence looked over at you with a smile, which you returned. He's really considerate, you thought as you leaned back against the wall. "Ethan, Judy, and I will take the courtyard, Zion and Eugene will take the first floor, Sue and Hailey will take the third, and Harry and Jay will take the front by the gates, Scarlett, I want you to sit this one out as well, okay?" He looked around the room to see if anyone was going to protest, and of course, Scarlett didn't like that she was doing nothing tonight. "I'm sorry, but why am I left to do nothing with this homewrecker?" She jabbed her finger towards you, in which you simply rolled your eyes as a reply.

Is she still that hung up on me staying here? Why can't she just get over it? You let out a quiet sigh as you closed your eyes again to ignore her glare. "It's because you've been doing patrol's every single night and haven't gotten a break recently, Scarlett. I'm not making you stay, though, you can go with someone else if you're really that persistent," Lawrence seemed irritated in his words, he was just trying to be thoughtful. Scarlett scoffed and crossed her arms with a huff, she didn't want to admit it, but she really did want a break. That is until you showed up. She didn't want to alone on the same floor with a complete stranger.

Maybe we could get along sometime, you thought to yourself as you opened your eyes to see the said crimson eyed girl glaring you down, or maybe not...

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