8 | New Day

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


You had gone back to your room before the sun fully rose over the horizon, you didn't want to take up too much of the red-heads time, but you also weren't able to fall back asleep. Waiting for another hour at most, you walked out of your room and went to classroom 1-C, where you saw a couple of people already waiting. Ethan and Eugene looked up from a paper they were both looking at to see who entered the room, and upon seeing your figure, Ethan nodded his head while Eugene looked away. The short boy felt slightly bad now that you were staying, having voted against you previously, he was trying to work it out in his head how he wanted to apologize, but of course, he hasn't thought of anything yet.

"Good morning," You quietly chirped to the two boys, your eyes scanning the paper they were looking at on the table. It was a small, drawn out map with some hand-writing here and there, showing areas they've been and where it's too dangerous. You assumed it was for the local area around the school because a larger map hung up on the wall behind the two boys. "Morning," Ethan replied as he slowly drew his attention back to the paper, his eyes scanning the words written down. "You look horrible," Eugene admitted, his brows furrowing as he gazed into your tired eyes. "I feel horrible, too," You joked back, a sideways smile etching onto your lips as you shot him a playful look. The young boy smiled, relief filled him as he felt he no longer needed to apologize. You were relaxed and didn't appear to care about the votes, but because of that, some part bugged him because you weren't upset either.

It didn't take long for the others to wake and to enter the room, though Scarlett was last and shot you a glare upon entering, it seemed the mood between everyone had lightened up immeasurably. You were sure others still didn't like being around you, like Jay, Scarlett, and maybe Hailey, but you felt more at ease now that things were moving smoothly. Lawrence and Harry left but quickly came back into the room with food in their hands, and slowly, they handed the rations out to everyone. Harry handed you another bun, but this time, it looked to be chocolate flavored, "I thought you'd like to try it." He openly admitted as he watched your eyes light up upon seeing the bread. "Thank you!" You whispered out as you stared at the food in your hands like it was a Godly being.

Everyone sat down in the spots they were in the night before and munched away at their different foods, and soon enough, everyone had finished. You smiled contently as you looked up to see Lawrence standing up, his eyes shifting across everyone in the room, "Alright, now that we're all fed and rested, let's get to business." He told the plan of who was doing what this morning and where everyone was going, and shortly after that, it was just yourself once again on the lonesome floor. You had nothing to do so you strolled around the hall, up and down, back and forth, humming to yourself. It was very, very boring, but you were sure you'd get work to do soon. You needed to do something, otherwise, you felt you might go stir-crazy.

Finally taking a break from moving around, you sat at the windowsill you were at the previous night, the one you looked out of with Zion. The memory played fondly in your head, but because you thought of that, you remembered your dream. It's funny that before the apocalypse you couldn't really remember much of your dreams, but now that you were in this situation, it was like every detail stuck to your damn brain. "You look to be deep in thought," You felt someone flick the back of your head, which drew you away from your memory. Turning around, you saw both Zion and Eugene standing behind you as you sat on the lonesome windowsill. "Scoot, I'm moving in," Zion pushed your legs off and sat down beside you to your right, his head turned so he could look above you and outside. Eugene huffed and sat down in front of the two of you, his legs crossing as he rested his head in the palm of his hand, "You guys seem chummy."

You looked down at Eugene and smiled, "Aww, are you jealous?" Zion snickered at the joke, but Eugene only glowered and flushed, "It's not like that!" He exclaimed as he raised his arms into the air to exaggerate. Both you and Zion broke out into a laugh, Eugene's face grew even redder. You hummed quietly and turned to look out the window, a small smile growing on your lips, "I'm glad we're getting along now." Zion and Eugene looked at you, and though neither would admit to it, they both smiled. It was true that having you around freshened up the atmosphere, things were growing dim and boring, perhaps even too repetitive with the same routines over and over again. Now that you were here, it seemed rather light, like there was still hope for people to survive.

 It didn't take long for some others, Sue, Hailey, and Scarlett, to finish their duties and return to the floor, though once Scarlett saw you and Zion getting along, she grew angry and grasped Zion's hand to pull him away, "C'mon, you don't want to be around this freeloader any longer." The comment didn't go unnoticed to you or Eugene, the two of you looking at the girl like she was going crazy. You finally felt irritated by her actions, why can't she just grow up? "Scarlett, what about me threatens you?" You stood up from your seat on the windowsill, your eyes looking into her crimson ones as she glared. She released Zion's hand and walked right up to you, her whole body getting into your personal space, "You don't threaten me, you're just a waste of supplies. You're gonna die, just like any other regular person out there right now." She pointed her hand towards the window, venom dripping from her words. You took a step back and recalled your dream from the night before, but this only fueled your anger, "I'm not going to die and neither are you just because I'm here, Scarlett!" You yelled, your hands lightly pushing her away from your body.

You opened your mouth to continue, "I don't know what you've seen or been through, but I can assure you we've both seen some awful shit, so don't go and treat me like I'm some bimbo who doesn't get what's going on, I'm here to survive, just like you!" You quickly brushed a strand of your hair out of your face as you glared at her. That was it, you finally exploded and it only took you a day. How did she even get under your skin? It wasn't bothering you before, but maybe it was because she was trying to prevent you from becoming friends with anyone. "I'm going to go take a nap," You moved out of everyone's way and walked back into your room, not realizing you had struck a chord in the blonde girl.

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