Chapter 9

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Is the Nation's Pride Basketballer star rekindling with his teenage love Kim Taehyung?

This may be the first time you hear this. Or maybe not?
Do you know that Jeon Jeongguk was once engaged to a Kim Taehyung who is currently married to the another Nation's Pride Park Seojoon!

Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Taehyung were both from the same town and had been friends since they were little kids. They have been together since they were in high school and even got engaged later.

But they both get on their separate ways. Obviously!

But here's the Tea!

Jeon Jeongguk was seen laughing and smiling with Kim Taehyung in a little cozy cafe with little Jeon happily cuddling up to Kim Taehyung!

Woah! Such a sight for an eyesore!

I just want to know what Park Seojoon got to say about this!

I mean Jeongguk's ex wife don't really have the rights to have an opinion after the messy divorce.

But. What about you guys? What do you have to say about this?

"JEON JEONGGUK!" Seokjin cried and threw the magazine at his desk.

Jeongguk sighed.

He had seen the magazine earlier and he was scared of what Taehyung's reaction will be? And he don't know how the media got to know about their past after all those years.

"How can you let this happen?" Seokjin asked.

Jeongguk sighed.

"Some people will talk. There's nothing I can do about that." He replied.

It was time for Seokjin to sigh.

"Yah! I know you're not a Kpop Idol and you don't have to be secretive about it but think about what people will say about Taehyung. What will Seojoon say about this? He's someone's husband. He's someone's son-in-law, he don't afford to be messed up in a cheating scandal!"

Jeongguk growled.

"You don't need to remind me of that!" He practically screamed and stormed outside.

He feel guilty that Taehyung is caught up in a rumour because of him. And he also just want to throw a punch at Seokjin for reminding him of all the things that hurt him.

He sit inside his car and cried because of how his life turned out. If he could turn back everything around, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Because he don't think life is really life without Taehyung by his side.

"God please! Let him come back to me! God!" He cried and sobbed.

Just then his phone rang.

He wanted to just decline the call and have his pity party for a little while but then he looked at the caller ID. It was Taehyung.

He picked up the call right away.

But then he got choked up.

"Jeongguk. Are you there?" He heard Taehyung's deep voice and Jeongguk could only cry.

"Hey. Hey. What happened? Are you okay Jeongguk?" Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk sobbed harder.

He just want him back. Nothing else. He can give up everything else.

"Tae.... I need you" he managed to say in between sobs.

There was silence for a while.

"What are you saying Jeongguk? Where are you?"

"In a car. Tae. . I still love you and I regret leaving you..I... I should have stayed." He sobbed.

Taehyung kept silent.

"But you didn't Jeongguk. And you moved on. You got married. And you have a beautiful child and I'm happily married too. Jeongguk please, don't make things complicated. I really love your son and I want to keep seeing him. But if you're going to be this way. Its going to be difficult and awkward." Taehyung explained with his deep calm voice.

Jeongguk could only sob harder.

"But Tae. I don't want to live without you. I can't."

"But you've done well all these years Jeongguk."

Jeongguk held back his sob.

"I know but.. Tae. I never stopped loving you. I didn't really move on."

"Jeongguk!" Taehyung scolded.

"This isn't fair to me, Jeonsoo and also to Seojoon. Don't do this Jeongguk. Please don't." Taehyung said and hang up the call and Jeongguk was sure Taehyung didn't get the chance to say what he really wants to.

Jeongguk don't have it in him to think about anything else.

He can't think straight.

And all he think about is how he want to just disappear.

Taehyung doesn't look like he is willing to come back to him and Jeongguk can't see himself being happy anymore.

our living heart. (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin