Yougotnojams street-Chapter3

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Author POV
The past days Y/n has been ignoring Kai and Alison still bullies you and makes rumors about you. You ignore everyone around you except your sister and the rest of Bts and Blackpink. You lock yourself in your room most of the time. You talk to some friends you met when you went to America for a tour your sister had with Blackpink.

Texting with YarYar💜

YarYar💜: wOMaN yOu dIdn'T tELl mE yOu wErE plAyIng AdoPT mE
Y/n: srry Mrs.Jeon I didn't know you would be online at this time.
YarYar💜: it's okay but next time I will hack your account and spend all your money.
Y/n: you wouldn't...
YarYar💜: Oh yes I would >:))))))
Y/n: Okay then I will go on your account and tell him that you like him
YarYar💜: you wouldn't...
Y/n: yes I would.
YarYar💜: Okay then... if that's the game you wanna play then let's play.
Y/n: Okie 👌
YarYar💜: 👌👌

I go to the living room and see Jin and Jisoo together cuddling and watching tv. "Okay never mind Ima just go outside and enjoy some air..." I say sarcastically "okay have fun!" Jisoo says distracted "okayyyyy I'm leaving now...... putting my hand on the knob....opening the door.....and stepping my foot outside..........." I say, I sigh and leave.

Time skip

I went to the back yard and went in my treehouse after I went to the cafe. I heard a notification and I looked at my phone.

Texting with Kai

Kai: hey I'm at your house
Y/n: why? And I'm in the backyard.
Kai: I'm bored and want to hang out with someone.
Y/n: oh. I'm in the treehouse
Kai: ok I'm coming.

"Hey" I heard and I turned my head to see HueningKai with a bag. "I brought Panda Express" he says with a smile "gIMmE mY oRAnGe cHicKen" I say playfully.

30 mins l8er

"Brb my friend is calling me" I say standing up and going to the corner of the treehouse.

       Call with YarYar💜

Y/n: HeY gIrlLll!!!
YarYar💜: Hi
Y/n: ?¿
YarYar💜: what's your address????
Y/n: ummmmm why? You don't even live in Korea. Btw is  353535 Yougotnojams street.
YarYar💜: k thanks bye lub u (not gay way)

"What a weird street name." I hear Kai say behind me "yeah, I wonder how they came up with it..." I say laying down. "Well Ima go home cya at school" Kai says grabbing his things and leaving the treehouse. "K bye" I say closing my eyes thinking why Yarely wanted my address.

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