Chapter one

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America's POV

In the bar all you could hear was the soft mumbling of people chatting and the calm jazz music in the background. As I drink the cup filled with whiskey in my hand I think about how much time I waste. After finishing my third cup I get up from the stool and leave a tip. Walking out the door of the bar I think to myself how cold it is during the night. It can be refreshing after having some drinks, the soothing cold air hitting my face.

After a bit of walking I see the bus stop and sit down on the bench. Waiting for the bus, it finally comes after a few minutes. Thanking the Lord's I didn't have to wait so long for the bus. The bus opens its doors as I walk in. I put in the money and sit down.

Not many people were in the bus considering it was very late. I didn't mind it was better for me. After some time it finally stops at my bus stop. I get up and get out the bus thanking the bus driver. The bus driver just nods.

From this bus stop my house wasn't far. It would only be a few minutes till I made it to my house. When those minutes were up I unlocked the door and got in the house. Hoping my family was asleep, I slowly close the door and locked it. Sighing, I make my way up the stairs slowly till the lights turned on.

I jumped a bit and look behind me, seeing my father, UK. "And where have you been?" My father asks. I gulp a bit and try to think of an excuse. "I um, was with my friends, working on a project." I tell him.

I look at his face and he obviously doesn't believe me. "So you stayed at your friends place till 2:00 AM?" I sigh "No, I was at the bar." He looks mad but he only sighs and pinches his nose. "Just go to bed America.." I nod and quickly go up stairs and open my room door. I close my door behind me and slid down.

Knowing my father he probably will make me come home much earlier so I won't go anywhere. I get up and dress myself into a tank top and shorts. I lay myself down on my bed and pulled my blanket over my body. Slowly falling into deep slumber.

-Time skip-

I hear my alarm go off as I stir from the annoying sound. I get up still groggy from barely waking up. I look at my phone and turn off the alarm. As I get up from my bed and yawn while stretching a bit. I realized that today we have a world meeting and quickly grab clothing appropriate for the meeting.

I go in my room bathroom and take a quick 10 minute shower. I grab a towel and dry myself quickly. I put on my black suit knowing if my father saw me not in my suit he would get mad. I brush my teeth and get out the bathroom. Not very excited at all for the world meeting as they are very boring.

I grab my phone from the nightstand and put it in my pants pocket. Finally I grabbed my shades and put them on. I look at a mirror in my room feeling fine with my look. I get out my room and see most of my family already at the table eating. "Took you long enough bro!" Australia said to me.

"Yeah yeah I just slept in a bit." I replied back to him. I sit down next to Canada since it was the only open seat. "How are you doing America?" Canada asks. "I'm pretty good, thanks for asking Nada."

Canada just nods and goes back to eating his pancakes that are drowning in syrup. I slightly cringe at the amount of syrup but nonetheless I ignored it. I look down and see I have bacon and eggs with a slice of toast. I quickly devour my breakfast as if I haven't eaten in weeks. I notice UK look at me a bit disgusted, but I only ignore him.

I grab the cup filled with orange juice next to my plate and drink it quickly. "America you should slow down, you're eating like a pig." UK says. I just ignore his statement and wipe my hands and mouth with a napkin. Australia looks at me and UK but continues to eat. "You should rewash your mouth, it probably already smells bad." UK once again comments. "Dad you shouldn't insult Ame like that." Canada tells dad. "I'll just get a mint." I say not caring what he tells me.

UK just rolls his eyes but continues drinking his tea. I reach in my pocket and grab a small mint and put it in my mouth. I wait for my family to finish eating their breakfast as I put my plate in the sink and wash it along with my cup. Suddenly UK stands up. "Is everyone done eating?" He asks. Everyone nods, including me.

France gets up along with Australia, Canada and New Zealand I was already up. "Alright we should all go to the meeting now we have about an hour till it starts." UK states. We all nod and go outside, I wasn't really excited but the only thing that stops me from not going is seeing Russia.

I absolutely admired him and his personality. He was much more responsible than me and stronger, even if people have told me I was stronger. As we get in the car I sat in the back with the rest of my siblings while France sits next to UK while he drives.

-Time Skip-

As we stop at a parking spot we all get out the car. With only 20 minutes left till the meeting started we get in the building. When we do we go in the meeting room with the rest of the countries. Some look at us but the rest don't bother looking. We all sit in our assigned seats, Canada at the right and Australia at the left beside me.

Quickly I look Russia and admire his face. I put my chin on my hand as I stare at him. Suddenly I feel a hand waving at the front of my face. I jump back a bit as I look at Canada. "America I've been calling your name, who were you staring at.~" Canada says teasingly.

"I WASN'T STARING AT NO ONE!" I replied quickly. Realizing I screamed, I look around the room seeing some countries staring at me while some laughed. Canada chuckles as he stared at my flustered face. "Don't scream Ame or you might look crazy." Canada says. "Ugh whatever." I replied as I cover my face and sigh. It's going to be a long day...

Word count: 1,169

This is my first fanfic so uh sorry if this sucks comment if you want me to continue this story. :>


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