Chapter three

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America's POV

Once I was out of the building I was heading to my family's car. It wasn't much of a special, but it worked. You'd think we'd have a limo but dad just doesn't let us. Once I arrive to the car I see my family waiting for me. “I was beginning to get worried America, what took you so long?” The Canadian asked, slightly worried.

“Chill bro, I wasn't gone for that long.” I replied, not very sure why Canada was worried. “Yes it's just, I saw Russia and I was worried if you might've have gone in a fight!” Canada said answering the question in my mind. “Oh, sorry bro I won't fight him, trust me.”

Canada just nodded still not very satisfied with my answer. “Alright boys enough chit chat. We need to head home now, time isn't waiting for no one.” UK states. “Yeah yeah, old man.” I mumbled.

UK just glared at me but just faced the wheel waiting for me to get in the car. As I get in I sigh not very excited for the ride.

~Time Skip~

As Dad parks the car we all get out. I immediately got out and went in the house, not really wanting to wait for my family. I go in my room wanting to get out of the tight suit. “Ugh how can dad stand wearing this shit all the time.” I say, trying to get the suit off. I go and look in my closet just getting my normal attire, nothing flashy. As I put on my clothing not really sure what to do, I see I have a notification on my phone.

“Huh, wonder who it's from.” Typing my password and see who it is, it's Japan. Not really wanting to chat with her but me being bored I do.

Weird cat girl(Japan):

J: Hi America~senpai!!

Oh sup Japan :A

J: Do u want to hang out today?? I have tasty candy I know u like!!

Me hating the thought of going outside right now, I decided to decline.

Oh srry Jap im busy rn :A

J: oh
J: That's fine!!
J: what about on Wednesday??

Oh sure ttyl? :A

J: ttyl!!!

After we finished messaging I was still pretty bored. Japan currently wasn't very entertaining right now. I decided to go to my brothers room and see what he was doing. I knock on his door until I hear shuffling. Canada opens the door looking at me confused. “Oh hello Ame, what brings you here?” he asked.

“Oh hey Nada, I was wondering if you have anything fun to do. I'm pretty bored.” “Sorry Ame I'm slightly busy right now I need to finish some stuff.” “What stuff?” I asked feeling curious. “Nothing important, how about you take a walk. You might need one.”

“But Nadaaa..” I respond, whining not wanting to go outside. “Sorry Ame I'm busy, I have to go now bye.” Canada responds. “Ugh, fine..” I say going downstairs grabbing my shoes while I do.

“Honey, where are you going?” Mom (France) asked. “Oh I'm just going to go walking, need some fresh air.” I tell her. “Oh ok, don't be late we're gonna have dinner in 3 hours!”  “Alright!” I say while closing the door behind me.

As I walk away from my house, I decide to go to the park. It's not very popular so not many people go here. “All for the better..” I say out loud. I see a bench when I reach the park.

As I sit on it I just observe the park, letting my mind wonder. Soon I find myself thinking of Russia. Oh jeez I really did get a crush on him didn't I. Slightly flustered, I looked away from the park to my hands. Nervously fiddling with them.

Why did it have to be with Russia. I didn't know how I got these feelings for the Slavic country but I didn't really care how I got them right now. What I did wonder is why did I, Russia was just a cold hearted country. He was the definition of a loner. No one was really his friend, all of his friends were just scared of him so they became Russia's allies so he wouldn't hurt them.

It's really sad when I think about it, almost feeling bad for Russia. But I quickly stopped myself before I could. I did not like where this was going. I start to reject the feelings I have for Russia. “Ugh I'm just thinking wrong, I don't like him at all!”

I find myself think it's just a type of hate I've never felt before. As I accept this idea, I get up and decide to go back to my house. The walk back was nice, I wasn't thinking much just observing my surroundings. As I enter the house and close the door behind me quietly. I look at the living room noticing Dad reading his newspapers, I honestly have no idea why he likes reading them.

I see that mom wasn't there cooking, I must've missed dinner. Shit, dad's going to scream at me for being late for dinner. As I enter the living room dad looks up from his newspapers. Here comes the shit show.

“Why were you late?” He asks

“Um, I lost track of time.” I respond not ready for dad's anger. “America what did I say about coming home?” He said slightly glaring at me. I gulp and just say “S-sorry, dad.”

“Sorry dad? Am I supposed to accept your sorry excuse of an apology?!” Dad says getting riled up. “D-dad I didn't mean to come late! I just dozed off!” I respond to him

“Don't raise your voice to me! I'm your father!” “What am I supposed to say then?!” I ask him. He only sighs and just mumbles “What did you say?” I ask him. “I said you're a disappointment and nothing more!”

I feel tears building up in my tears. Nothing to respond to him with him telling me I'm a disappointment, I run upstairs. As I enter my room and lock it just in case he decides to bust in. I jump on my bed laying in a starfish position. Sobbing not feeling like doing anything I slowly feel myself fade in a deep sleep.

Word count:1,063

Sorry I didn't post on Sunday I was busy with a project and bonding with my brother  I'll try to clear my Sundays and plan them for writing only and not for anything else so uh yeah how you like this chapter. :> (Also sorry if it's not good I wrote this at 1:27-3:08 AM)


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