chapter3// comfort and sadness pt.2

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this continues after chaper 2, read that one first

After the sea-creature grabbed Elizabeth and octavia under-water everyone was thinking of what to do because they wherent showing up above water until--

"HELP!! please!" i heard octavia shout, all i could see was blury, i was panting for air until it released us, making noticeable injury on Octavia's uper thigh and leaving scratch on my cheek and a would on my chest.

"go to the shore!! NOW!!"Finn and Jasper yell.

me and octavia make it close enough for finn and jasper to jump in and grab us, finn grabbing me and octavia grabbing onto jasper.

"thank you.. thank you so much" i tell finn hugging him still shaking from the impact and octavia hugs jasper shaking as well saying her thank you to him.

"shes loosing too much blood" clarke says looking at my chest before ripping some of finns shirt and covering my wound then does the same to octavia but with jaspers shorts.

"we should make camp. we cant go wondering around tired and with major injuries. i say with my vision still blury.

"alright. lets go there should be deasant trees here." clarke says.


everyone laid against trees and hugging againts each other, octavia laying on Jasper's chest. Finn and clarke went off into the forest thinking i was asleep but i wasnt. I was having flashbacks of the terrible night when i was caught, murphy crying, mom with a dissapointed face towards me, dragging me away and murphy begging.

i woke up gasping for air, like i was when the sea monster was attacking us. i noticed it was day but clarke was changing my wound when she noticed it was leaking almost harshly, i had a worse vision than last night and i had a headache almost like a migraine.

"we have to hurry, theres no time to pity or bwait around." i said getting up.


"you wanted to first. now quit stalling." clarke said as finn was holding a wine nagging it up and down a few times to know if it still was safe.

"mount weather awaits." clarke finishes.

"stay calm were the apogee well be fine" jasper says

"apogee? lke the indians?" finn started

jasper keeps whisper-yelling. "apogee not apachee"

"he knows, today finn." clarke says

"aye aye captain." before he could finish jasper backs him up to talk,"hold on, ill do it."jasper said grabbing the vine and looking back at octavia and me, hope was in our full expression."i knew you had something in you." finn says before giving the vine to jasper.

at this point my blurry vision wasnt affecting me much. i felt as if something bad could happen , my lipsparted as if i was gonna talk but nothing came up. Japer took a big step backbefore jumping on the vine and landing on some rocks.

"i don feel ok.. something bad's gonna happen.."i started but before i could say anything, everything went slow and i couldnt hear anything, only my heart about to pop and my anxiousness going through the roof.

thats when what i predcted came true, jasper was speared to the chest, he swung back getting pinned to a tree, his eyes widened at the sight of his chest. i still couldnt hear anything screamed like my life dependedon it.

"JASPER!!!" i yelled and kept screaming . i felt tears running down my cheeks and my emerald green eyes reflected nothing but sadness, guilt , anger, fear and worse, regret. all those together made her vulnerable.

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