Like a dream

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Half of your clothes were thrown across your bed as you were trying to think of what you would wear. And you still had ten minutes before you had to leave. That is, if you wanted to arrive on time.

You were nervous. The previous night you had promised Donghae to treat him to lunch. It was your chance to finally go out with the person you'd liked for so long. The two of you decided to meet at a small, cozy restaurant not far from where you lived.

You sat down on your bed and put your head on your hands. What kind of outfit would he like? Did it matter after all? He had seen you the way you usually looked, you didn't want to look like you were trying too hard. Not that there was anything wrong with paying attention to your attire, you just didn't want to look too formal or too casual. What if he showed up in just a T-shirt and jeans combination while you looked like you were about to go to court?

As you were imagining 500 different scenarios of what could go wrong, your best friend called you. You were glad to have her call you, as she always managed to help you. As a result, you were able to get dressed in time.

You grabbed you bag, stepped outside and even remembered to lock your door, despite being in a hurry. You didn't want to arrive after Donghae, since you were treating him, and being late was not something you appreciated anyway.

Once you got closer to the restaurant you looked at your watch and started panicking. You ended up being a few minutes late, so you started running. When you entered the restaurant's terrace you looked left and right as your breath quickened. Your eyes got thrice wider when you saw Donghae at the table. He was dressed in a plaid, blue shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of tight, white jeans matched with running shoes. When he saw you, he raised his and motioned for you to go sit at the table. Yet, he was not alone.

Your smile turned into a slight frown as you walked to the table. You thought it was going to be just you and Donghae. You didn't recall inviting Hyukjae as well. You could feel the sun almost burning the back of your head. Donghae took his sunglasses off and ran a hand through his hair. Hyukjae smirked and asked opened his mouth.

'How are you?' he asked, giving you a gummy smile, squinting with one eye.

'I'm fine...' you replied.

You were as fine as someone who budged a wasp nest thinking it was inhabited by bees. You didn't have anything against Hyukjae, quite on the contrary – you were glad he was there when you bumped into Donghae, because he managed to ameliorate the situation. This time, however, you expected to be just with Donghae.

'Are you sure you're fine? You're fidgeting. Is it because you're in the presence of such fine men?' said Hyukjae with amusement.

Donghae looked at his friend and gave him a small smile. You felt like you wanted to grab the chair you were sitting on and smack Hyukjae with it.

'I'm perfectly alright.' You frowned at him, despite not wanting to show any emotion. 'How are you two?'

'We're great. We can't wait to eat.' Said Hyukjae.

You felt the same. Just like you felt his presence was unnecessary. You turned your attention to Donghae.

'Would you like to order?' he asked you, rubbing his hands together.

Just how excited was he to eat?!

'I haven't even seen the men-' you said, but were interrupted by Donghae shoving the menu in your hands.

'Decide then. I'm famished!' he exclaimed.

From the corner of you eye you could see Hyukjae smile. You turned your attention to the menu and decided on beef bourguignon. You knew it might take a while until you received your food, but you'd wanted to have some for weeks. You looked up to the menu and announced you had decided.

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