Before the break of light

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You showed your phone to Heechul and Sunmi as soon as you got the message.

'What do I say?' You threw your phone in Sunmi's lap and put your head in your hands. 'I can't do this anymore.'

'Slushie, it's okay, leave it to us.'

'Why is this so hard?'

Sunmi started typing back at Donghae, and Heechul switched seats so that he would be next to you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and tried to comfort you.

'Guys make you stupid, there's nothing more to it. A cute guy smiles at you and next thing you know, you're running outside where it's subzero only in a robe after a guy who only has a hand and sleeps with his sister.' Sunmi snorted at that.

'You're a dumbass.' you said.

'I'm the best dumbass you know.' He said as he squished your arms.

'I can't believe this guy. I told him Hyukjae already left and that you guys met to hang.'

'And?' asked Heechul.

'He left me on read.' Sunmi's mouth formed a perfect line.

'He did what?!' you said. You looked a bit too worried for Sunmi's liking.

'It's good, though.' said Heechul. 'It means it's working.'

'What if he never talks to me again?'

'He can't ignore you forever.' said Sunmi.

'We move on to Phase 2 now.'

'Just how well did you plan this?' you asked.

'I'm telling you, it will work perfectly.'

'What's Phase 2? You never told me.' asked Sunmi.

'Our slushie gets to hang around Hyukjae more. He and Donghae coexist anyway. He'll notice.' You put your head back on Heechul's shoulder and hoped it would work.

'If I might,' started Sunmi, 'maybe don't write to him again today. I know you want to.' You nodded.

Later that day, after you got home, Donghae was still on your mind. He hadn't replied, but you saw he was online. You checked all his social media accounts. He was updating as if nothing had happened. He even posted a selfie with Hyukjae!

"he's with hyuk" you wrote under the story you forwarded to Sunmi.

"he always is"


"babe... you have a life too, don't worry"

"i am all worry and no chill"

"I can see that"

You sat on your couch and turned from your back to your front and back again. You threw your head off the couch, sat upside down, flipped through all the channels. You looked back at your phone. No notifications. Nothing. No Donghae in your life. How easily you went from getting drinks on your doorstep to being ignored by the only man you fancied. You messaged Hyukjae in hopes that he would offer some clues.

"He was a little angry at me when I first got back. He's fine now."

"Oh. Can I join your dance practice tomorrow?" you messaged maybe too quickly.



Hyuk is typing...

"I think he needs some time to cool off. I'll let you know when the time is right."

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