Chapter 05 - Escape, Strangers, and Reunions

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He feels Thanos stop to contemplate the backyard and his heart speeds up. Then he walks on. Fenrir is heaved into the back of an old pick up. The clang of the shovel dropped onto the bed of the truck beside the rug startles him, but he stays quiet. He listens to Thanos' footsteps which head for the driver's seat. The truck rumbles to life. It takes off, going faster than Fenrir knows was possible. He finally remembers that he's meant to be wiggling out. He writhes, but the rug has tightened in transit. With an effort, he manages to roll over. No better. The engine quietens as the truck slows. Fenrir is not sure if that's his signal and anyway he is still trapped in the rug. The truck doesn't stop at the stop sign, only slows. Fenrir remembers his arms, he forces them above his head, wincing as the rug scrapes the skin off his elbow. Fenrir puts all his might into getting out of the rug. He begins thrashing about; kicking and flopping around like a dying fish.

The truck engine lulls as it makes a rolling stop. Fenrir feels the rug slide a little across the flatbed. This gives him just enough momentum that he bends within the rug and with a deep grunt and the rug starts to roll open. He bursts out and notices his elbow and lip are bloody. His face is covered in hair, snot, and tears as he opens his eyes. The world hits Fenrir with a crash: streetlamps, wind in his face, shocking colors of the sunset. Trees and houses looming and then receding, making him dizzy. Fenrir's eyes focus on the cab of the truck and what he realizes must be the back of Thanos' head, driving. Thanos slows at the third stop, and swings right. Fenrir is flung headlong, banging his leg on the left of the flatbed, he had been too distracted. The truck screeches to a stop, Thanos glimpsing Fenrir in his rearview mirror.

With a roar, the giant man flings the driver's door open. Fenrir's eyes widen.

Fenrir scrambles over to the opposite side and stands on the edge of the bed. Thanos jumps down and strides around the truck. Fenrir leaps down onto the tarmac, bloodying his left knee. His jaw smashes into his right knee. He picks a direction at random and tears away from the truck, stumbles and keeps going. His Ma's voice is in his ear: "Don't stop. Find somebody."

Fenrir runs until he crashes into a tall man and his daughter walking their dog, the dog snarls at him.

"Cosmo!" the man says, pulling the dog away by the collar.

By then, Thanos has caught up and scoops Fenrir up and over his shoulder. Fenrir lashes out in soundless terror, kicking and hitting Thanos as hard as he can.

"Excuse me? Hey!"

Thanos puts Fenrir down but holds his shoulders. Fenrir cringes, eyes on the ground.

"I'm so sorry. Is your little girl okay?"

"It's under control. You can go back to your walk. He got away from me."

The man stares at Fenrir's bloody knee, elbow, and lip. "He's been in some kind of accident? You want me to call someone?"

"I'll take care of it," Thanos gives his best smile, trying to convince the man that it is no problem.
Fenrir doesn't speak, but pulls out the note and he tries to hand it to the man.

"What's that you got there, honey?" asks the man, loosening his grip on the large dog.

"Why don't you mind your own business and I'll mind mine?" Thanos growls, seeing the note and grabbing it. He crumples it up and shoves it in his jacket pocket.

"I don't like this," the man pulls out his phone and begins to dial 911. Thanos picks up Fenrir again and hurries to his truck. Fenrir has started to cry, letting out small whimpers but he's so nervous that screams get stuck in his throat.

"I've got your plates, mister! K93. You drop him, or I'll let the dog loose!"

Thanos drops Fenrir hard onto the street, breaking out into a run towards the truck.

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