Chapter 08 - The Interview

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The next day Fenrir sits with Dr. Banner. He sits and answers questions for him. He does as he asks and points at the squares and different shapes that the man asks about. The doctor seems pleased with the answers Fenrir is giving him. After a little while, Frigga comes in the room.

"I'm sorry," Frigga apologizes. "I can't get her to come down, Dr. Banner."

Dr. Banner stands. "OK. Let her rest. I'll see you again next week, Fenrir."


Dr. Banner and Frigga leave the room. Fenrir hears them talking quietly in the hall.

"For the past few days, it's been all downhill. She was ecstatic to hear the news that Thanos was going to prison, but it's like she crashed," Frigga explains. "I don't know what to do about it."

"Well, my best suggestion would be to get her into therapy. Actually, speaking to someone about what she is going through," Dr. Banner explains. "I'm worried what will happen if she continues to neglect to do this. Most of the time, it does not bode well for anyone. Just tell her to get rest for now."

"Thank you doctor. We will try our best," Frigga smiles and escorts the doctor out of the house. She lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Grandma?" Fenrir runs up to her.

"Yes, baby?"

"Dora?" Fenrir asks, reaching his hand out. "Please?"

Frigga smiles and hands him her phone after she pulls up episodes of Dora the Explorer. "Here you go. Thank you for saying please."

Fenrir takes the phone upstairs to sit on the floor beside the bed where Loki is lying.

"Fenrir. Please turn that off," she groans. Fenrir keeps watching, ignoring his mother's request. "Now. I mean it. Now, Fenrir."

"I want to watch!"

"Fenrir. Please. Please. I'm begging you, please turn that off," she begs, twisting in pain at the sound of the show. Fenrir switches off the show. "It reminds me too much of Room. I can't have it. It hurts my head."

Fenrir ignores her with a huff. He doesn't understand why it bothers Ma so much to be reminded of Room. Sometimes he misses TV and Wardrobe, but he never mentions it to her.

"You've got so many other things to play with. You should try something else," she begs, and he doesn't respond. "Come on. Let's look at all your stuff." She drags him downstairs by the arm to the living room. She makes him look at the piles and piles of toys none of them opened. "Look at all these toys. Most kids would love that stuff. You've barely even touched them."

"I don't want to. I want to watch Dora."

"Come on, Fenrir. Just look at them, for me?"

He shuffles into the pile. Loki crouches and tears open a box of Lego. "This is pretty cool, right? You used to love building with things in-"

Frigga steps in beside her daughter and Loki turns towards her." Loki, sweetheart, it's okay if he doesn't want to play with those right now."

"He needs something real to do. I'm getting worried about him with the phone. He shouldn't be on it all day long. It's bad for him, mother."

"He's fine," Frigga says, putting a hand on her shoulder, which Loki tears away from. Loki can hardly stand being touched these days, every brush of a hand reminding her of Thanos. She wants to scream.

"I don't give him my phone so please don't give him yours. Okay?"


"I want him to connect to something real, you know?"

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